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Russia Declares War on Ukraine

Elon is such a fucking cry baby. Telsa has been sucking on the governments teets for years and now he's petty over Starlink in Ukraine which effects millions of people. His peace plan was moronic, everyone told him it was moronic, and now he's being a petty little bitch about it.
Elon is such a fucking cry baby. Telsa has been sucking on the governments teets for years and now he's petty over Starlink in Ukraine which effects millions of people. His peace plan was moronic, everyone told him it was moronic, and now he's being a petty little bitch about it.
I never understood why they’d put so much power into his hands in the first place. That seems like a job for the Apple’s, Microsoft’s, and Google’s of the world who are ran by committee and not by a single arrogant individual. They think he was a real life Tony Stark or something?

I think this is a case of you get what you pay for.