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Breaking News Rihanna is pregnant!

Some yall niggas ran in this thread like
I could never really get into her music. Probably because she always had the machine behind her pushing her appeal. She's and average singer at best. She's not a top tier dancer. She just does borderline raunchy shit and takes a lot of naked pictures.
This can be said for about 75% of the music/entertainment industry
I never really understood the Rihanna hate. She's not the best pure singer or anything like that, but she does have a distinctive style and and sound. That in itself is refreshing. I'm not a fan or anything like that, but I rather hear Rihanna do her own thing than listen to a lot of these other chicks do their best to ride whatever bandwagon is moving at the time.

She did go through a period where it seemed like she was trying to convince everyone that she was super loose or sexually free or whatever you want to call it, which I thought was weird.
OMG this is some wild shit!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lmaoooooooooo ayooo

this must be @Sion twitter account

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On another not, I never really fucked with Rhianna like that. her music ain't that good to me and as far as the looks goes she's really average. She always seemed like she had a shitty personality to me too but that's just me.

I never understood why people stanned for her but I have a sneaky suspicion that a lot of it has to do with people supporting her after the whole thing with Chris Brown. Funny thing is that people still clearly support Chris Brown too so................
Her Anti album made me a fan. That shit is almost perfect