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Religion thread

Do you follow a certain religion? If so were you raised into it or did you choose it as you got older. How big a role does it play in your life? If you're not religious has that caused you any issues from friends family or society?
Grew up Baptist when I was young not going to church wasn't an option. Got older stop going. Then got married started going back then fell off. My son was born and wanted him to have some time faith or religious knowledge so went back to church.

Somehow some way I became a deacon at the church we joined. The inner workings of church the business left a bad taste in my mouth NH and my Deacon days were over. We still went to church but I just wasn't into like that still kept my faith in the most high but not in the building.

No longer married :( but my son and I frequent church at least twice a month. He likes church because he is really into music and singing and it's an outlet for him especially now.

I go to God in prayer a lot to balance out my issues and to pray for my son, family and friends. I wouldn't call myself religious any longer and moreso spiritual nowadays also.
Hold up Cain was/is Deacon Cain....................lemme go tell sissy right now!! lol

I grew up Baptist as well, also attended Catholic school for awhile. My mother and her side of the family were pretty religious but my father was not. I think I always had doubts about things but when I questioned it all I would get is 'you aren't supposed to come to church questioning it' Huh?
Anyway, the process of losing my mother was pretty much it for me and the church. I admit I was full of anger and hate though I did try to go back-I prayed and prayed, I educated, I attended women's bible studies. Just I could not connect on that level.

Today as some know I am agnostic and have a spiritual side. I respect everyone's views on religion so long as they don't push it down my throat. I think once we are done here, we are done. Of course I do hope I am wrong in this. I just can't believe in one Creator as it is laid out in the Bible.

No issues with my family. Couple of issues dating once or twice but that is about it.
What were the issues if you don't mind me asking.

Well for example I was just beginning to talk to this guy once and he kind of interjected a lot of phrases that I felt he might be religious so I told him that I was agnostic and if he didn't like that I would understand, no hard feelings. He said not a problem. Well for whatever reason the conversation (I felt was not going anywhere) and I kindly let it be known that hey I don't think we are compatible. I get back and I quote:

" okay well just to let you know by default you will end up with the devil and burn in hell because you didn't make a choice. Because god and the devil are real entities" he said don't get mad at me, I am just the messenger in saying this.

The conversation had nothing to do with religion, he decided to throw in my face my choice because he didn't like that I was turning him down. So I responded to him "real Christian like behavior, thank you for showing your true colors and do not text me again".

Went on a date with another guy and first thing out of his mouth as we sat down was when was the last time you went to church? I said I don't. Que very awkward and very long meal. Dude if this was important how come it wasn't brought up in the dozens of times we have talked? At the end he was like I guess I won't be seeing you again huh. lol

So nothing horrible but I don't like to be told I will burn in hell-that is uncalled for
Raised Muslim, both my parents are converts, went to a Muslim school half my life.
I think I've always had questions/doubt about religion, but got the usual speel "don't question it", especially about free will

Something clicked when I turned 18 or 19 and I lost all faith in religion. I just couldn't ignore the logical fallacies in it anymore. I understand that it's good for some people and I love it for them, just dont try and jam it down my throat (pause). I know for a fact it saved my mom and dads life and I understand the peace people find in thinking there is a higher being in control/planning it out for you.
I really don't remember what religion we were raised as early. I know we went to church and were some form of Christian but as my older cousin where guided to Rasta I became Rasta and was vowed Rasta. It is not a relegion but I figured it fit in this context. Everyday it affects me and my life. Because it is visible.
" okay well just to let you know by default you will end up with the devil and burn in hell because you didn't make a choice. Because god and the devil are real entities" he said don't get mad at me, I am just the messenger in saying this.

The conversation had nothing to do with religion, he decided to throw in my face

lmaooo that nigga was petty as shit

"I don't think this is workin out"

"That's why you're going to hell bitch" :lmao2:
My parents were baptist so you know that means that I was too whether I wanted to or not, I would go to church every week with them. I had no problem with it but I knew some of those stories in that bible book was bullshit. It wasn't until my mother got breast cancer is when I started questioning religion, I watched this woman pray everyday and keep her faith only to lose her battle so that was it for me and religion.

My wife believes and has faith and the one thing I won't do is disrespect what she believes in. Some people need something to believe in to get through their day to day life so I'm not going to be the person to ruin that.
I'm going to provide a more detailed answer lately, but I look at religion as philosophy. And my philosophy is the teachings of Christ
My wife was born catholic raised catholic and will die catholic so we have to respect our differences and raise our son with information. The only thing I have gotten her to accept is that the images of her religion may not benefit black people.
My parents didnt make us go to church like that. When we did go it was a Baptist. But we read bible stories as kids said grace. My dad as he is older now is all about the bible being all the truth for him. My mom grew up in church but she pretty open minded with it.
Hold up Cain was/is Deacon Cain....................lemme go tell sissy right now!! lol

I grew up Baptist as well, also attended Catholic school for awhile. My mother and her side of the family were pretty religious but my father was not. I think I always had doubts about things but when I questioned it all I would get is 'you aren't supposed to come to church questioning it' Huh?
Anyway, the process of losing my mother was pretty much it for me and the church. I admit I was full of anger and hate though I did try to go back-I prayed and prayed, I educated, I attended women's bible studies. Just I could not connect on that level.

Today as some know I am agnostic and have a spiritual side. I respect everyone's views on religion so long as they don't push it down my throat. I think once we are done here, we are done. Of course I do hope I am wrong in this. I just can't believe in one Creator as it is laid out in the Bible.

No issues with my family. Couple of issues dating once or twice but that is about it.
Yes I was a Deacon and was over the church's money. Counted the tithes and offerings and handled some financial things as well (small things). There's two sides to church the business side and the religion side.

Once you see that a church is a business you may see it differently. Not saying that it takes away from the good it does for people but it's a different perspective.
Was raised baptist, sung in the choir and all that, hated going to church and choir practice when I was young.

But found some great reasons when I hit about 14/15 :icu1:

I stopped going in my mid to late 20's. I still believe in God, but the whole organized religion thing just wasn't sitting right w/ me as I got older.

I don't bash people who go to church or are religious. I hate people that do that, not realizing that they are being the zealots that they claim to hate. If a person finds peace in religion let them be, if they ain't hurting nobody let them be.
Did y'all do the Kings Dominion type trip?

Them joints was always goat. Especially on the ride back when it was dark. ;;;;;

We had em but I never went to that one. I only went to the weekend retreats at a resort. EVERY body was fuckin or doing something, I even think the deacon was knockin something off lol
I was always skeptical even as a kid, I remember being salty about my parents telling me santa claus wasn't real then in the same vein saying god was. You mean to tell me that a jolly fat man from the north pole is outlandish but a dude walking on water and turning water into wine is :cmonson: