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Regional Meet Up

I'm only going to knock niggas out on behalf of house targaryen
If I ever get to SoCal

We can reunite out great houses like legend foretold or we can play the Mad Queen and Chi Stark and burn that joint down

Either way or

Nah, that would have been like 5 ppl.


We are one, but we are many

We are one, but we are many
Lol, I'm a not got any further today

You did say from the IC. He knew MOU and Scorp b4 the IC, and meeting Chico would technically count as two

But I remember him meeting CP also. Man why you do this one a day I'm drinking smh
Ain’t no dry heat down here. Vegas tho. Shiiiiiiet.

We hit 112 today. Shit was fuckin ridiculous. I give nary a fuck about dry heat vs humidity. When it's over 110, the sun is just LEANIN' on you. I went to the mailbox and my face, legs, and arms were stinging from the heat.

It was far worse in Metro Phoenix, tho. You could easily see 115-120 degree days during the summer.
Yeah it’s for work, plus all my people stay in Arlington and Fort Worth
I lived in Funky Town for 4 yrs but my mom's refused to let me go to school out there. Had to commute 45 minutes every morning to Arlington (or as the kids called it back then 'Ag-Town'). I swear I got into more trouble in Arlington than I would in AggLand or HoovaLand.
yea yea yea....

whenever, where ever.
im all over the place.
no need to list places....i dont need niggas hating.