Reggie Miller: Underrated, Properly Rated or Overrated

Reggie Miller:

  • Underrated

  • Properly Rated

  • Overrated

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Don’t want you to think this thread had anything to do with the Doc

it’s about the recent eraism (idk) that’s been taking place and the current players of today or after 2005 for the most part’s impact being diminished just because they are current players

like you had guys saying Dwight wasn’t a HOF player and that mutombo was better

you got guys saying Harden not a top 10 SG

you got guys saying curry not better than some other PGs from the past

you got guys saying Wade not better than AI

It goes both ways sometimes though.
You got guys acting like Reggie ain’t as good as Micheal Redd and Joe Johnson and Khris Middleton

you got guys acting like klay wouldn’t clamp up skinny ass Reggie Miller when he guards players better than him
Reggie would put Klay through so many screens, he would get at least 20 on Klay
You said he would clamp up Kobe
Lol the Kobe in question was from like 2000

klay is 6’7 himself let’s not act like Kobe would run through him. Especially when Kobe wasn’t even as controlled and surgical as he was when he wore 24

also also when I say clamp I’m Not saying klay not gonna let him score or something