Lord Nemesis
I’ve had to zip up my nigga suit once in a while
Shit is way overpriced online and missions don't pay squat. Hope they adjust that from the beta feedback
Doing dick moves is hilarious. Me and my cousin caught a dude lacking by himself. Hog-tied him and tossed him off a bridge for the hell of it
I also think it costs a fucking ton of money to continue developing software and buying cameras to capture the player likenesses which is evident by them using all the microtransactions to offset some of those costs.Honestly they do it with sports games because they know we buy them and talk about. Being a black gamer just got cool so alot of these companies dont even think we are into games and they probably not hiring us like they should.
Shit is way overpriced online and missions don't pay squat. Hope they adjust that from the beta feedback
Shit is way overpriced online and missions don't pay squat. Hope they adjust that from the beta feedback
Is there camps online? Would be cool if your crews could maintain/upgrade camps into forts.
Hogtie someone and beat them till they give you the location of their camp and raid it for loot.
you do have a camp
whoever is leader of your posse can set it up in different locations while yall playing and you have a flag if its raised then no one can attack you at camp but if its lowered then anybody can roll up and give u that work
last night I stumbled on this dude at his camp, the shit wasnt marked on the map but i saw there was a fire burning, so i rode over there on my horse and took the high ground, thought i'd creep over and cap him then keep it moving but he was standing there waiting for me to walk up and hit me with a damn throwing knife
Online gunna be all about fire weapons and explosive rounds for me.
Stalking with fire arrows >>>> can’t fight back when your burningto death.