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Reasonable Doubt VS OB4CL


  • OB4CL


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Don Dada

Active Member
According to google those albums are the best Mafioso albums ever made .

So lets vote for the better mafioso album
Overall musically, replay value wise, songs quality wise, artistically, aging wise. Easily OB4CL by miles

But lyrically straight technical bars wise and technical MCing skill wise Reasonable Doubt is the greatest album ever
Jay is the much superior MC/lyricist

Reakwon is the much much superior artist/song writer (Reakwon isn't even a good artist/song writer. He's not good at hooks and can't do them, can't do melodies, can't produce beats, can't play an instrument, can't use auto tune, can't make non rap songs, can't mix and sound engineer so just shows what an utterly terrible artist/song writer Jay is and how he's just 1 dimensional that just raps bars)
Jay is the much superior MC/lyricist

Reakwon is the much much superior artist/song writer (Reakwon isn't even a good artist/song writer. He's not good at hooks and can't do them, can't do melodies, can't produce beats, can't play an instrument, can't use auto tune, can't make non rap songs, can't mix and sound engineer so just shows what an utterly terrible artist/song writer Jay is and how he's just 1 dimensional that just raps bars)

Raekwon better MC than Jay Z but not lyrically I think. Maybe, maybe not.

OB4Cl is also better than any Jay z album.
I had Cuban Linx when it was out. I didn't hear Reasonable Doubt until after the Jay/Nas beef.

Reasonable Doubt is more polished and more mature, but I can't put it into context because I don't remember it when it was new.

I voted for the Purple Tape
It's really just a matter of opinion. Neither is better or worse.

And depending on my mood, I might listen to one instead of the other.
I will say that despite the reputation, RD is more of a mafioso album that OB4CL. OB4CL is about a couple of street hustlers trying to make a big score so they can get out the game. RD is basically Jay's dream of being a drug kingpin.