Lyrically? This is what we basing advancements on? Not albums, better songs,
So a nigga on the streets of NY/NO/LA has better bars than Pac, that makes that nigga better?
You acting like BT some battle rapper or something.
He got like 10-12 Roots album worth of material plus a bunch of guest verses on his resume.
And yes being lyrical is a Big part of being a rapper. That's like saying throwing isn't the end all, be all of being a good QB. :ohword:
And none of the niggas are as lyrical as Pac, keyword LYRICS, where is BT's Dear Mama, where is his brenda's got a baby? Where is his white manz world? Foh lmaooo that nigga BT is an afterthought in the goat convo
Outta those 10-12 albums, which ones are seeing (Me Against the World) (All Eyes on ME)?
I swear I hate yall..
cuz cole make better songs than lupe...NOW YOU NIGGAS TALKONG LYRICS BUT VOTED FOR COLE OVER LUPE!?
I swear I hate yall..
Cole ain't no slouch in the lyrics dept tho. :shrug3:
Why do rap fans deify pac? I just don't get it, it's not like he changed the game like hendrix or evh, he didn't have a career filled with constant hits like mj. I just don't get it.
Why do rap fans deify pac? I just don't get it, it's not like he changed the game like hendrix or evh, he didn't have a career filled with constant hits like mj. I just don't get it.