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Rate your 2020

Only reason it's not an F is coz my old sickly maa not dead *touches wood*

Cant be higher than an E. Had a lil mid 20s slump and wound up back at mums. Was ready to get back out and then covid.
Q1, big high
Q2 quite a dip
Q3 major high spike
Q4 major low dip

C average. Some times that I will really cherish for the rest of my life. Other moments that make me cringe and break down every time I think about them.

Uncle passed away & couldn’t go to the funeral thanks to Covid (he didn’t have it). This the main reason it’s an F.

Covid in general throwing my family lives outta wack. Everyone except my oldest son has been tested. My lil cuz wife got it back in July but she made it through thank god.

Kobe dying. That fucked me up for a lil bit.

Limping to the finish line. Highly optimistic for 2021.

Lost an aunt to covid19.. Lost an uncle. Kobe death messed me up.

Positives- Got an unexpected raise at the job. Working from home...sold 3 houses. Credit score went above 800 for the first time. Get to spend more time with the kids being home. Paid off credit card debt.
Bought a shit load more houses
Helped relocate single moms so the kids can get better education and out the city where it seemed black kids are hunted.
Making plans for retirement next year.
Been learning high German to get my Swiss passport.
Only bad thing is I had to put my global business launch on hold due to covid. Been planning the shit for more than a year and it a went to shit.
Now I'm home getting fat
Bought a shit load more houses
Helped relocate single moms so the kids can get better education and out the city where it seemed black kids are hunted.
Making plans for retirement next year.
Been learning high German to get my Swiss passport.
Only bad thing is I had to put my global business launch on hold due to covid. Been planning the shit for more than a year and it a went to shit.
Now I'm home getting fat
He all cap. He don't care for black people. He's a non foundational