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Lol that's me to a T. How do you know she doesn't want you to have everything you want? Just because she wants for nothing but your company? Or does her lack of love for it hold you back?

nah she's on it lol

I was just thinking of how I felt about it that morning

whats funny is I got Red Dead that weekend....cant tell you if she was smiling when she got it tho

For those currently in 4+ year relationships...do yall still send each other risque pics?

And do you still have the same reaction as you did when yall 1st started?
Thats when u answer..."what are u talking about right now?"

Then she answer and you say

"I mean though, why you asking me about that "

And then she answer and you say.

"I'm not understanding why we arguing.."

If she like most women she say

We ain't arguing I'm just tryna find out..

U got her dog

Hit her wit..

"Me too"

Now she explaining....herself

And the mind fuck is complete

For those currently in 4+ year relationships...do yall still send each other risque pics?

And do you still have the same reaction as you did when yall 1st started?

yup....and no, not all the time

there's a lot of context that can determine that

its still good either way
I saved some dude from me the other day lol I know how I am sexually and I didn’t think he was ready. He seemed so sweet I didn’t wanna fuck his head up.