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COMMUNITY Raising minimum wage and universal basic income. Are these bad things?

So I see it on social media a lot about raising the minimum wage to a livable standard and a lot of these arguments have been going on for awhile. The main argument against it I usually see from conservatives is that it will make people lazy, that the minimum wage jobs aren’t meant to be permanent and geared towards teens so they shouldn’t get paid more, hurting small business and etc.

What do y’all think though ?
Minimum wage jobs for teens?

I worked at UPS where almost every low skilled position is minimum wage and we were by and large adults.

Claiming minimum wage jobs are for teens is a convenient way to avoid the reality that adults seek these jobs in droves. Sometimes it's all that's available for people without credentials. Sometimes we've gotta work two part time jobs to make ends meet. People should be compensated adequately for it.
The only problem with making all jobs a base pay of 15 dollars. Is that it lowers the incentive to do a good job...hear me out.

So, when you go to Wendy's, theres an expectation that you have of the service you expect to get..at the very worst.

When you go to chic filla, theres an expectation that you have of the service you expect to get...at the very worst.

Chic Fila routinely pays its employees better than Wendy's employees. But that comes with an expectation of how they want an employee to behave.

So if you want to right now get paid more while working at fast food. The skillset that chic fila demands, requires you to be that, so there is an incentive to do a good job. Cause even though it's not alot, it's more than you would get someone where else for the same type of job.

Now Wendy's, just expects you to be relatively competent and show up. Which is why the pay matches the expectations. Yet instill, Wendy's pays more than burger kind because Burger King demands even less than Wendy's. So even with the price Wendy's pays its employees. The incentive is that you dont want to end up at burger for the same type of work.

If the base pay for Wendy's and Burger King becomes the base pay for chic fila. Where is the incentive of the Wendy's employee to do a good job, when they can quit, get fired, and find another job of the same exact pay.

Wheres the incentive of the chic fila worker to put up with the demanded act, when they can go to Wendy's, make the same thing and get asked to do less.

The market has to correct itself right? Incentives have to be there, so now, chic fila goes up to something like 18 or 20 dollars. Well...now you looking at the pay for someone working entry level work as an electrician.

Those employees gonna be pushing to make more than a employee at chic fila due to the demand of the job and so on and so on...

So the domino affect isnt that it just raises the price of a burger by a dollar or so..it swings all wages..and it generally lowers overall incentive for low skilled workers.

Going from 7.95 to 15?...more like 7.95 to 10.50 or 11.50

I understand alot of people work these jobs to support their families. Minimum wage jobs ain't meant for that shit. That's like driving on I95 with a donut.
Its like..way dont men just wife up any woman cause no one should be alone. Where would the incentive be at for women to be a certain way to expect to get wifed? Same scenario flipped for women, if women fucking anything, wheres the incentive for men to be a way to get chose?
A general basic universal income makes more sense than raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars, if the starting point of the income starts at age 18. So...you cant basically survive on the universal income, but at the same time. It helps with bills, and keeps the incentive in place.
A general basic universal income makes more sense than raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars, if the starting point of the income starts at age 18. So...you cant basically survive on the universal income, but at the same time. It helps with bills, and keeps the incentive in place.

I thought the youngest you could officially get a job was like 16 years old
I thought the youngest you could officially get a job was like 16 years old
You're not supposed to be able to have a full time job till you reach 18. The age when you're supposed to graduate from school and become eligible to vote.

Cant just be giving kids 15 dollars an hour for full time work and think alot of kids wont just stop going to school. Then the next crisis becomes people who dont have degrees deserve the same jobs as those that do. There has to be some checks in balances in society to dictate quality
It's pointless to give 15 and hour, we did that shit here and it didn't help them out except for the fact they can now pay for all the prices that have gone up 4% and another increase of 1-6% in 2021. So they make more and are still in the same position. While there is such a massive discrepancy between what the highest and lowest make, this will always be a problem. Its like people don't wanna see its the ones on top making it shit for the ones on the bottom.
It's pointless to give 15 and hour, we did that shit here and it didn't help them out except for the fact they can now pay for all the prices that have gone up 4% and another increase of 1-6% in 2021. So they make more and are still in the same position. While there is such a massive discrepancy between what the highest and lowest make, this will always be a problem. Its like people don't wanna see its the ones on top making it shit for the ones on the bottom.
The argument of the ultra rich is going to reach its tipping point. Right now all of these ultra rich individuals are the frog in the pot.
You're not supposed to be able to have a full time job till you reach 18. The age when you're supposed to graduate from school and become eligible to vote.

Cant just be giving kids 15 dollars an hour for full time work and think alot of kids wont just stop going to school. Then the next crisis becomes people who dont have degrees deserve the same jobs as those that do. There has to be some checks in balances in society to dictate quality

with regards to the bolded... it really depends on the job doesnt it? I know some videographers, editors, web developers, graphic designers that learned everything online without degrees that do much better work and deserve more pay than folks WITH degrees. All depends on quality of work at the end of the day.

Lol thats a random tangent but yeah.. in some lines of work tho that piece of paper still matters. I just mean that the lines are blurring for certain professions.

Im all for UBI tho. no reason theres some people in the world that are worth more than an entire countries GDP while folks are out here homeless and starving.
with regards to the bolded... it really depends on the job doesnt it? I know some videographers, editors, web developers, graphic designers that learned everything online without degrees that do much better work and deserve more pay than folks WITH degrees. All depends on quality of work at the end of the day.

Lol thats a random tangent but yeah.. in some lines of work tho that piece of paper still matters. I just mean that the lines are blurring for certain professions.

Im all for UBI tho. no reason theres some people in the world that are worth more than an entire countries GDP while folks are out here homeless and starving.
And that's the incentive of getting a degree
B_A is right.

I've always held the position that a job being low skilled isn't a rationalization for low pay. If every package handler at Amazon decided one day to stop working full stop, production ceases and Amazon's out millions of dollars depending on how long the strikes persist. This is the power "low skilled" people have. We're an essential component in putting the whole machine in motion.

We're paid less because there's more of us. The higher up in the pyramidal scheme you go, the less numerous the employed are, the higher their wages get... Up until you reach one or two CEOs making millions. They hoard the riches off the backs of those who toil.

Bottom line, minimum wage workers are disregarded because economic exploitation is legal. The system creates poverty, poverty creates desperation and desperation coerces people into jobs they'd rather not take. So the ranks inevitably fill and ppl shut their mouths on fear of getting fired. There's a reason cunts like Amazon and Walmart try to stamp out unions.
And that's the incentive of getting a degree

oh my fault... those people I referred to that do better work even though they dont have a degree... their pay is on par with those that do have degrees because of the quality of their work... even though they dont have that piece of paper.

My current gig is in the process of reviewing job descriptions and folks made a point to restructure requirements focusing on experience rather than a degree.
The only problem with making all jobs a base pay of 15 dollars. Is that it lowers the incentive to do a good job...hear me out.

So, when you go to Wendy's, theres an expectation that you have of the service you expect to get..at the very worst.

When you go to chic filla, theres an expectation that you have of the service you expect to get...at the very worst.

Chic Fila routinely pays its employees better than Wendy's employees. But that comes with an expectation of how they want an employee to behave.

So if you want to right now get paid more while working at fast food. The skillset that chic fila demands, requires you to be that, so there is an incentive to do a good job. Cause even though it's not alot, it's more than you would get someone where else for the same type of job.

Now Wendy's, just expects you to be relatively competent and show up. Which is why the pay matches the expectations. Yet instill, Wendy's pays more than burger kind because Burger King demands even less than Wendy's. So even with the price Wendy's pays its employees. The incentive is that you dont want to end up at burger for the same type of work.

If the base pay for Wendy's and Burger King becomes the base pay for chic fila. Where is the incentive of the Wendy's employee to do a good job, when they can quit, get fired, and find another job of the same exact pay.

Wheres the incentive of the chic fila worker to put up with the demanded act, when they can go to Wendy's, make the same thing and get asked to do less.

The market has to correct itself right? Incentives have to be there, so now, chic fila goes up to something like 18 or 20 dollars. Well...now you looking at the pay for someone working entry level work as an electrician.

Those employees gonna be pushing to make more than a employee at chic fila due to the demand of the job and so on and so on...

So the domino affect isnt that it just raises the price of a burger by a dollar or so..it swings all wages..and it generally lowers overall incentive for low skilled workers.

Going from 7.95 to 15?...more like 7.95 to 10.50 or 11.50

I understand alot of people work these jobs to support their families. Minimum wage jobs ain't meant for that shit. That's like driving on I95 with a donut.

There are already risk factors at play for doing a poor job. Getting suspended up until the point of termination if you repeatedly fail. Fast food restaurants expect more or less the same duties across the board. How is say, 2 dollars extra pay making anyone do a better job if the same standards of employee conduct are expected?
I dont see a problem with raising the minimum but all these companies will do is cut hours. So you will be working less but bringing home the same money. So you are still going to struggle.