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Racists are in their feelings over Kap’s new Nike ad

5th Letter

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I would love to have sat in that meeting when the Nike board members made that decision.
Wanna hear the reasoning to see how they can turn a profit off of this.
Does the black dollar and influence matter to them that much?
They must have years of data on sales and decided it was worth the risk.
Idc what nobody sez, no company this huge(and profit driven) doesn't make sure they go over the numbers thoroughly to make sure this is worth it.
I would love to have sat in that meeting when the Nike board members made that decision.
Wanna hear the reasoning to see how they can turn a profit off of this.
Does the black dollar and influence matter to them that much?
They must have years of data on sales and decided it was worth the risk.
Idc what nobody sez, no company this huge(and profit driven) doesn't make sure they go over the numbers thoroughly to make sure this is worth it.


Nike services THE WORLD bruh. I would wager that NIKE makes more profit from soccer than all the american sports combined.

They not giving a fuck about bigots(a lot of whom prob arent even customers) who are a portion of the population in ONE of the countries they service boycotting.

This was an easy decision for them.
This was an easy decision for them
Doubt it
A billion dollar corporation making a decision that they know'll affect their margin. They ain't get to where they're at by willingly alienating anybody.
trendy niggaz with deep pockets gonna buy enough stock to meet the losses cuz smart advisers would tell trendy niggaz with deep pockets that it'll look really pro-black to buy stock in nike right now and tweet that they support these black athletes....

Heart in the right place or not if u think a multi billion dollar company makes decisions based on the "right thing to do" u buggin
I know it's not the only reason, but some of these companies do attempt to stick to a core set of values. They didn't have to do anything and would have been just as fine. They didn't have to speak out when tennis banned Serena's catsuit either.

I'm just saying "the right thing to do" is sometimes the genesis to these situations then the number crunching happens, not the other way around.
i'on think Du knows what trendy means