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Quote A Lyric That Made Ur Face Do This

how niggas dont fuck with Lupe i'll never understand

Why you ready to die? You just a baby

Why them tears up under your eyes? You just a baby

Keep your head up in the sky, you just a baby

Quit chasing money, never mind, you just a baby

(These Magi adore you, these Magi adore you)

Why you wanna be born again? You just a baby

Why you playing in the streets? You just a baby


nah brah

had you heard that prior to me posting the album covers, you wouldnt have made the connection

doesn't matter.....

it's cool knowing what the fuck he's talking about, but it doesn't make it a better listen when the references are so esoteric you have to research them to understand them.....

that;s not the kind of rap i like
It's a bar for music nerds or people with music knowledge beyond the past decade at least, that born again line had me like

It's a bar for music nerds or people with music knowledge beyond the past decade at least, that born again line had me like


nah brah, if you got to research it, then it dont make it a better listen
Let me get whats in yo sock
because its better to give
Than receive
So believe me when I tell ya
Dont make me put you somewhere
Where nobody can smell ya

DMX - 4,3,2,1
nigga......u the wordiest motherfucker on this site


your last statement contradicts the ones that preceded it

but it boils down to you dont like having to google shit when you hear the lyric

which is funny b/c on the IC, there was a debate about a line Big Sean did on "play no games" when he said

Girl, even when I'm gone, just know I'm there for ya
I'm all ears, in other words here for ya

the lyrics are from genius b/c even they had it wrong, but the first part of the bar, he says im all ears, finishes it up with "in other words, here for ya", but it should be hare as in rabbit, as in ears

when you get it...you make the weebay face
Yeah, ion understand that, some of the best lyrics I've heard I had to hit up google to understand. Makes it that much better imo

aye man...i get it...im not the one you need to convince

i guess not everyone can't have bars as clever as

Man I read between the lines of the eyes of ya brows
Your handshake ain't matchin your smile
so yall just skipped over the word esoteric....

album covers is a very very very very very very specific reference....

lupe fiasco is like the riddler of the rap game....

niggaz gotta study his tracks for 24-48 hours just to get all the references......

shit like that ain't as impressive to me as legit thought provoking shit....

i can't even remember the song or artist cuz it was in a mix on shade 45... but a dude last week said something to the likes of

'people always say don't 4get me when you make it, well would you remember me if i didn't?"

of course it didn't ryhme cuz i don't remember the exact lyric, but that is my definition of a thought provoking or a deep lyric, cuz that shit is a pretty dope concept, and it don't take a whole lot to get where he coming from....

the shit lupe be dropping be on some....

"three times you look, one time i don't, we both fly away happy"

and like 3 years later niggaz see the context clues in a scene in a fucking marlon brando movie from like 1948 and nigagz be like

naw i'm just saying....that shit just don't do it for me.....
maybe i'm not explaining it right, but i don't want a fucking decoder ring just to break down a verse...

Cuz the nigga swing a samurai sword, it don't mean that he bright
Cuz you don't understand him, it don't mean that he nice
It just means you don't understand all the bullshit that he write

who said this^^^

b/c if its someone other than Jay, then i never heard it, but if thats supposed to be Jay, then that lyric is all wrong

And y'all buy the shit, caught up in the hype
Cause the nigga wear a kufi, it don't mean that he bright
Cause you don't understand him, it don't mean that he nice
It just means you don't understand all the bullshit that he write

maybe thats why you need decoder rings b/c you dont even know what they be saying
nigga i just copied and pasted... stop being a nerd for once in your life....

oh and i changed kufi to samurai sword to fuck with you....

if you missed that blatant attempt of me fucking with you...then i see why encyclopedia rappers are your favorite