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Breaking News Queen Elizabeth II has passed

I've done a lot of foul things in my life. I've been the cause of people losing their own lives. I don't understand why people who are alive believe that they should have some type of hold on how people react to death.

Everybody is different and everybody is gonna do what they do.
But on the flipside if they didn't...then said official/administration would be looked and criticized for not acknowledging.

I'm assuming this is in regards to the Press Secretary.

It doesn't matter if they get criticized for not acknowledging though. They can easily clap back at that.
If there is to be a succession whoever next better take heed to

If you don't want nobody celebrating your death then how about don't do shit that makes people want to celebrate your death.

People make choices in this life. If you type of person, like me, that generally don't give fuck and do what you want, then you are gonna burn some bridges, backstab some friends, have a few bodies under the floor board.

There's some people if I died right now, are gonna toast it up and celebrate.

That's the price of life of not giving a fuck. You want to be remembered fondly when you die, live a morally upstanding normal life. Love your neighbors. Be generous.

The British Royal family is one of the most abhorrent fucking group of people to ever walk the earth. They are the scummiest of scummiest human beings. They deserve to have their whole bloodline wiped out for the sake of humanity. All royal families around the world do, but especially them motherfuckers.

They are behind some of the greatest human suffering the world has ever seen and I am supposed to be respectful when this old wealthy and powerful rich bitch that ain't ever have to do anything in her life dies at 96?

This bitch ain't never even have to dress herself.

We smoking on that Royal OG Queen Elizabeth II pack.
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