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Prince Was A Woman Beater?

First Taylor Swift and now this? White folks crossing lines in black music.
This is a classic case of "I'm white and I say so..."
She's untrustworthy, had known issues with dude, is shitting on his death bed. And please exercise some common sense and stop letting a movie scene influence your opinion.

How y'all adults and still don't know to not believe everything people say? Especially known crazy white folks. Most definitely when it's with out evidence.
It would be @Goldie Prince hating ass starting this thread. His tiny self wasn't doing shit to anyone.

for a people that claim to hate white people, yall do bring them up alot.

They think you hate black men because you talk about our problems. To them you think that black men are the worst of all time
It would be @Goldie Prince hating ass starting this thread. His tiny self wasn't doing shit to anyone.


Dont be a hypocrite now lol when Mariah Carey was accused i remember yall was saying she did it
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I think @Race Jones is correct when she says that we should be concerned with the lives and safety of all black people and that we shouldn't be using violence perpetrated by whites.

What I don't get, is why is this discussion always so one sided. This whole "I don't hate black men. I just think we need to be concerned about the safety of everyone in the black community" is disingenuous because those people only want to talk about what black men do. According to the number, black women attack their partners at a higher rate than women of other races. Do we see huge rants about how bad and violent black women are in response to that? No. The numbers say that black women are the biggest child abusers in the country. Do we see outrage against black women with regard to that the same way that we see directed towards black men for domestic violence? No, and children are far more vulnerable and innocent in child abuse cases than women are in domestic abuse cases. So are we going to acknowledge that there is a problem with blacks and the stresses that blacks encounter that manifests in unhealthy behavior in the household such as abuse? Or are we going to continue to act like black men are the only problem and demonize black men solely.

We've been down this road before. Check this discussion.

I think @Race Jones is correct when she says that we should be concerned with the lives and safety of all black people and that we shouldn't be using violence perpetrated by whites.

What I don't get, is why is this discussion always so one sided. This whole "I don't hate black men. I just think we need to be concerned about the safety of everyone in the black community" is disingenuous because those people only want to talk about what black men do. According to the number, black women attack their partners at a higher rate than women of other races. Do we see huge rants about how bad and violent black women are in response to that? No. The numbers say that black women are the biggest child abusers in the country. Do we see outrage against black women with regard to that the same way that we see directed towards black men for domestic violence? No, and children are far more vulnerable and innocent in child abuse cases than women are in domestic abuse cases. So are we going to acknowledge that there is a problem with blacks and the stresses that blacks encounter that manifests in unhealthy behavior in the household such as abuse? Or are we going to continue to act like black men are the only problem and demonize black men solely.

We've been down this road before. Check this discussion.

The thread is about prince beating a woman

all that other shit is irrelevant
when a thread is created about a Black woman harming children (which is totally unacceptable and happens far too often in our communities) we’ll address that then.
I think @Race Jones is correct when she says that we should be concerned with the lives and safety of all black people and that we shouldn't be using violence perpetrated by whites.

What I don't get, is why is this discussion always so one sided. This whole "I don't hate black men. I just think we need to be concerned about the safety of everyone in the black community" is disingenuous because those people only want to talk about what black men do. According to the number, black women attack their partners at a higher rate than women of other races. Do we see huge rants about how bad and violent black women are in response to that? No. The numbers say that black women are the biggest child abusers in the country. Do we see outrage against black women with regard to that the same way that we see directed towards black men for domestic violence? No, and children are far more vulnerable and innocent in child abuse cases than women are in domestic abuse cases. So are we going to acknowledge that there is a problem with blacks and the stresses that blacks encounter that manifests in unhealthy behavior in the household such as abuse? Or are we going to continue to act like black men are the only problem and demonize black men solely.

We've been down this road before. Check this discussion.

We got threads on that. Threads that cover the whole community. Is men being criticized that deep? Most of us are given leeway
The thread is about prince beating a woman

all that other shit is irrelevant

Maybe I misread, but from what I saw, ya'll expanded the conversation to the general danger that black men present within the black community, which is fair for discussion. I'm just saying that the discussion is almost always jaded.

We got threads on that. Threads that cover the whole community. Is men being criticized that deep? Most of us are given leeway

Black men can be criticized. Just be fair about it. And what leeway are black men given. Whether the speakers are white racists or black feminists, black men are always treated as the worst people on earth. If we care about the black community, we do need to talk about the violence perpetrated by black men within the household. But who does it help to misrepresent that violence and the relative threat from black men?

And be real, when a thread about a black woman killing a black kid comes up, that woman is condemned, but most people that comment in the topic don't go on tirades demonizing black women in general. The handful of people that do that are usually treated like trolls. That's not the same treatment black men get.
"I'll never beat you
I'll never lie
And if you're evil
I'll forgive you by and by

cause you, I would die 4 you...
Darling if you want me to..."

I believe him..
Maybe I misread, but from what I saw, ya'll expanded the conversation to the general danger that black men present within the black community, which is fair for discussion. I'm just saying that the discussion is almost always jaded.

Black men can be criticized. Just be fair about it. And what leeway are black men given. Whether the speakers are white racists or black feminists, black men are always treated as the worst people on earth. If we care about the black community, we do need to talk about the violence perpetrated by black men within the household. But who does it help to misrepresent that violence and the relative threat from black men?

And be real, when a thread about a black woman killing a black kid comes up, that woman is condemned, but most people that comment in the topic don't go on tirades demonizing black women in general. The handful of people that do that are usually treated like trolls. That's not the same treatment black men get.

Lol black women in general as a collective have our backs. But i get it you want the judgement not to be one sided but many women in our community have felt unsafe and disrespected openly by us. Rap been calling women bitches since the 80s. Eventually we had to expect black women to respond or harden themselves.
Lol black women in general as a collective have our backs. But i get it you want the judgement not to be one sided but many women in our community have felt unsafe and disrespected openly by us. Rap been calling women bitches since the 80s. Eventually we had to expect black women to respond or harden themselves.

I feel you. I'm not trying to act like most black women aren't there for us. I also am not on here trying to excuse the ridiculous shit that some of these niggas do to our black women. It is completely fair to call them out on that.

I'm saying that I don't see what purpose unfairly demonizing black men and/or ignoring the flaws of black women does to help our community. Let me give you an example. Here is a Breakfast Club interview with two black feminists.

Now early in the interview, they talk about how they are out there marching for black men and hate all the racist stereotypes that are used to excuse the mistreatment and murder of black men. That's fair. But then if you go a little further, they say that black men are the second leading cause of death for black women. That's just a complete lie. Now tell me how much women like that have our back. What difference does it make if they shoot down white lies if they are just going to turn around and tell bigger lies?
all rich/famous niggas be quick with the smack ups

idk why anyone tries to believe different

they got the juice and will not be challenged or played

harsh reality maybe, but never surprising

ya'll wanna know what keeps most people from jabbing you in the eye for the slightest disrespect? lawyer fees and stability/support

once your life is set up to where you got both with no problem? you aint tryna hear it