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Breaking News President Trump in Quarantine... Test Positive for Covid-19

I've always believed that Melania doesn't really fuck with the family like that. I always got the vibe that she and the grownup kids do not get along at all. I immediately started feeling that again when I was watching the debate and I noticed that the only person in Trump's crew who wore a mask was Melania. It's like she knew what they were hiding. That Trump was already positive and that his whole crew was intentionally trying to spread the virus to Biden and his camp.

Think about if Trump would've been able to spread the virus to Biden. Trump and his crew were already aware that Hope Hicks had it and they were trying to hide it. That means that people around Trump have already had it and they never told us. Remember that they didn't tell us that Hope Hicks had it. That was a reporter who broke that story and not Trump's camp. If Biden would've caught it you know being the forthcoming campaign that they are they would've immediately came out and told the press. They would've been honest and straightforward about it.

I think the plan all along was for Trump to spread it to Biden after they knew Trump had it and then hide the fact that Trump had it until Biden confirmed that he had it. Then Trump would've came out right after Biden and said "Look Joe Biden gave me COVID"


Yooooooooooooo, I love it here