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Thanks. this is what I was looking for here

But if either Trump or Biden die or withdraw from the race, that doesn’t mean that Pence or California Sen. Kamala Harris, Biden’s pick for vice president, would automatically ascend to the top of the ticket, according to Richard Plides, a New York University Law professor who wrote about this possibility at the Washington Post. Instead, their respective political parties would need to choose a replacement.

Both the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee have clear rules about how to do that, as Plides explained in a separate interview with the Post. But given that the election is only about a month away, states have very little time to reprint their ballots. It’s almost certain that Trump and Biden’s names would remain on the ballot even if they’re no longer the candidates. That means a man who’s no longer fit to serve—or even dead—could still technically win the presidency.

The Electoral College would then become even more important. Electors usually vote for who their state has chosen, but depending on their state, they’re not all legally required to do so. But it’s likely that most electors will support whatever candidate the national party has coalesced behind, according to Plides.

Now that we’re already all pretty much living in the Twilight Zone, there’s one other question to address: What happens if the national parties are too divided to pick a new presidential candidate?

“There might not be a majority winner in the Electoral College,” Plides wrote. “In that case, the House would choose the president from among the top three vote getters in the Electoral College. In that process, each state delegation gets one vote.”