My problem is more that I get into games late. Or buy, play a few days then forget I got it.
It took me til I got my PlayStation 5 to play a GOW game.
Didn’t play TLOU til the show came out.
Haven’t played Zelda since N64
Only played the first 2 MGS games (watched play through a on YouTube tho because the story is interesting)
Don’t gaf about them artificially “hard” souls type games
I’ll skip 2-3 years between Madden/2K. (I play the version I got til them servers shut down)
Not really into first person shooters, so all them CoD type games get skipped.
Haven’t played a resident evil since part 2
Don’t like arena shit, don’t like fighting games, don’t like mmos… all that shit get skipped.
Only played Final Fantasy 7(OG and remake), 8, and 10
I JUST got into The Division. Pretty solid game. Had it before and only played with my lil bro (RIP) because he was into it, but I didn’t really care for it before.
Didn’t care about Skyrim, but for whatever reason I’m into FO4 and Starfield.
Red Dead Redemption 2 the only game I got super immersed into, even tho I never even tried the online mode.
Bought that hog warts game because the hype/controversy. Gave up on it. Harry Potter wizard shit I don’t care for.
Got into SW:Battlefront late af, like a few months ago… that shit kinda go hard.