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Pick Your Superpower

Nah man. Here me out.

Y'all thinking like we in an x-men movie and we about to go fight professor x. When would you really need super strength or lazer eyes.

If I could literally communicate with everything on this planet, I would run this shit.

Sooooo just because we’re not gearing up for an Apocalyptic battle of epic proportions you chose tha power to understand what a fucking meerkat and a aardvark want in life??

:foh5:Do better O.... lol
Drop me in any country and I'll be good. Out in the woods, I'm good. Stuck in sea, I'm good.

What you want again? Look young forever?

Look numb skull....ain’t nobody wanna look young forever lol...I said healing powers like Wolverine....so while I’m out here with tha potential to beat Corona and AIDS in 13 mins you havin’ town hall meetings with woodland creatures...

Mars wants his super power to be “friendship building across genetic differences”...
