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Pick your own reparations

Which one of the 4 are you going with and why?

1. Doesn't stipulate how long the tax exemption lasts. Even if it's for the rest of my life, looking at the net amount I'd save, this one might be the 2nd best. But...

2. This is my choice. If I can wipe out ALL my debt, including the shit that other people have that's just in my name, this would prolly be the best value. Cars, mortgage, credit cards, student loans, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,.

3. I get paid pretty well. I'm between 80k-100k. But I haven't been in that bracket my entire working life. So my first decade or so of working, from 15-15, prolly would contribute very little to this. And this one also doesn't factor in any of the state taxes I paid. Meh.

4. Federal taxes didn't start until 1862 so anything before that wouldn't be considered. Not that it matters, because the civil war didn't end until '65 so most of our ancestors didn't pay a penny of taxes until then, and likely way later, since they weren't even considered human beings or could be employed. Most states didn't have income tax until between the 30s and the 60s, so anything before that wouldn't be counted either. No go.
Before we answer that question. Let's define "Black folks".

You have to trace your ancestry back to 1954 (The Brown vs The Board of Education Supreme Court Decision) or further. If you're a 1st generation immigrant from, say, Nigeria, you don't deserve any reparations.
I just bought a house and the interest I would not have to pay bruh would be more than any repartitions cash payment we would ever receive lol
exactly....If I could get a check from the interest I paid into my old house a nigga would be damn near debt free