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Silence From NRA After Board Member Nugent Calls Parkland Teens ‘Soulless’

The National Rifle Association continued its silence Sunday after one of its most prominent board members, Ted Nugent, called a group of politically-active survivors of a mass shooting “mushy-brained” and “soulless” two days earlier.

“These poor children, I’m afraid to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul,” Nugent told the conservative radio host Joe Pags on Friday, part of a long tirade against a group of survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting in February who have gone on to advocate for gun control legislation.

TPM’s multiple requests for comment to the NRA went unanswered Sunday. The LA Times reported Saturday that a similar request to a representative for Nugent went unanswered as well. NRA spokespeople didn’t mention Nugent’s comments in segments posted to the group’s video channel, NRATV.

“All you have to do now is not only feel sorry for the liars, but you have to go against them and pray to God that the lies can be crushed and the liars can be silenced so that real measures can be put into place to actually save children’s lives,” Nugent said separately in the same interview Friday.

Nugent, like many pro-gun advocates, said after a gunman shot up a Republican congressional baseball team practice in June of last year that he was “not going to engage in that kind of hateful rhetoric anymore,” as CNN noted Sunday.

That would be a big step for the 69-year-old rock star: Nugent visited the White House last year despite saying during the 2012 campaign season that “f Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” That was one of several menacing comments referencing the then-President. Nugent also told Obama to “suck on my machine gun.”

A survivor of the Valentine’s Day shooting, Kyra Parrow, noted the dissonance Saturday:


Reports: Russian Bots Propping Up Ingraham In Tiff With Shooting Survivor

Russian bots have reportedly latched on to Fox News host Laura Ingraham in her crusade to mock a high school student who survived the massacre at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last month, according to Hamilton 68, a website that tracks the unfurling of Russian disinformation on Twitter.

Over the weekend, the use of the hashtag “#IstandwithLaura” jumped 2,800 percent in 48 hours, The Washington Post was first to report Monday. The Post also cited the website botcheck.me, which tracks 1,500 different political propaganda bots, found that Ingraham’s, Fox News’ and the high school student David Hogg’s Twitter accounts were in the top six Twitter handles being tweeted by Russian-linked accounts over the weekend.

Russian Twitter bots have been spreading false information about the Florida high school shooting since it happened last month, when a 19-year-old former student opened fire at the high school, killing 17 people and injuring dozens. Student survivors like Hogg have since been advocating for tighter gun legislation and even organized a national school walk out and a march on Washington, D.C. to push for gun control policy.

Far-right conspiracists have seized on the students and their focused message, claiming the high schoolers are “crisis actors” or being paid by left-leaning groups. Ingraham last week tweeted a story from The Daily Wire, mocking Hogg for getting rejected from four colleges in California, including UCLA.

Hogg responded by tweeting the names of the companies that advertise on Ingraham’s Fox News show, calling on his Twitter followers to tell the companies to pull their advertisements from the show. Ingraham later offered an apology for her tweet, but that didn’t stop at least seven companies from pulling their advertisements from “The Ingraham Angle.” Hogg called Ingraham a “bully” during an interview with CNN and said he didn’t accept her apology.

Ingraham said Friday that she would be taking a week vacation for Easter, a break that was previously scheduled, a Fox News spokesperson told TPM this weekend.

Fox News Reaffirms Support for Ingraham: Won’t Be Censored by ‘Agenda-Driven Intimidation Efforts’

It would seem Fox News is refuting the notion that Laura Ingraham‘s vacation is a sign that her future with the network is up in the air.

Ingraham caused major outrage last week after she slammed anti-gun student activist David Hogg by making fun of him for getting rejected from several colleges he applied to. While the Fox opinion host eventually apologized over the matter, several of Ingraham’s biggest advertisers pulled their commercials from her show, and she announced she was taking a break while the commotion was still ongoing.

While the timing of all this might invite a few questions, Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy gave a statement to LA Times where he insisted that Ingraham’s vacation was pre-planned, and they have no intent of parting ways:

“We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts,” said Abernethy. “We look forward to having Laura Ingraham back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children.”
I work at one of the companies on the list.

ppl really callin in there complaining from both pov.


David Hogg on O’Reilly’s Claims About Ingraham Ad Boycott: ‘I Don’t See Any Shadowy Figures Behind Me’

Former Fox News megastar Bill O’Reilly came out in defense of current Fox host Laura Ingraham as she’s dealing with an exodus of advertisers from her program after she mocked Parkland survivor David Hogg for being rejected by some colleges. Of course, O’Reilly has some experience with an ad boycott — he saw his sponsors flee just before he was fired from Fox News last year.

In a post on his website, O’Reilly claimed that companies weren’t spontaneously dropping their ads but rather this was “being directed by powerful, shadowy radical groups who want Laura Ingraham off the air,” adding the same thing happened to him.

Appearing on MSNBC’s The Last Word Monday night, Hogg told host Lawrence O’Donnell that while he wanted to thank O’Reilly for seeing him as powerful, he didn’t see anyone in the shadows nearby helping him.

“I’m pretty well lit — I don’t see any shadowy figures behind me,” Hogg said, looking around. “If he sees shadowy figures as corporate America standing by us, okay, I guess. It doesn’t really make sense.”

The 17-year-old went on to say that he’s fine when O’Reilly or Ingraham disagree with his policy positions. It’s when they attack him or someone else personally, however, when he has a problem. He again noted that he didn’t see any shadowy figures near him, stating he’s “just a kid that uses Twitter.”

Later in the interview, O’Donnell brought up that O’Reilly was told by the former publisher of TIME Magazine lately that sponsors leave a program when they believe it will cost them customers and money. The MSNBC host asked Hogg what he’d like to tell O’Reilly if he could sit down with him.

“Corporate America is on the side of justice,” Hogg said. “You, with the sexual harassment, they stood with the victims of that to ensure that nobody else would have to suffer through that. They’re trying to stand with us too to prevent the bullying we’ve seen.”


Rupert Murdoch Reportedly Thinks Fox News Execs Acted Like ‘P*ssies’ by Caving to Ingraham Critics

A new report indicates that Fox News re-affirmed their support for Laura Ingraham this week because media mogul Rupert Murdoch commanded his network executives defend her more forcefully.

The Fox opinion host is still on what the network says was a pre-planned vacation this week, which began while she was still facing major backlash over her personal mockery of David Hogg. Vanity Fair‘s Gabriel Sherman says the incident was a major headache for the network — with sources saying “people are pulling their hair out” in the advertising department, and that executives reportedly adding, “you don’t attack a kid.”

However, sources say Murdoch wanted Fox to stand strong with Ingraham and make a point that “the haters wouldn’t get a scalp” despite the outrage. The mogul emailed this directive to Jack Abernethy, which apparently prompted the Fox News co-president to put his name on the network’s recent statement of support for the conservative pundit.

From the piece:

Sources say Murdoch has told people that Fox’s current management has been too quick to cave to the network’s many critics. “Rupert’s been annoyed by what he perceives as cowardly behavior by his executives,” one person close to Murdoch told me. “He thinks they’re being pussies.” In February, Murdoch was unhappy that Fox retracted an offensive column, by Fox veteran John Moody, mocking U.S. Olympic officials for emphasizing the team’s diversity.

In a separate but somewhat related note, Geraldo Rivera recently said Ingraham was in the wrong with her slam against Hogg, though he reversed course after Fox seemed to indirectly scold him with a public statement.

Liberty Square aka the Pork N Beans projects in Liberty City in Miami. The 4 people shot were kids from Miami Northwestern High. One of the dead was going to be inducted into the National Honor Society in a month
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It's not getting coverage because it involves black people. Gun control talk only happens when white people are affected. Wake up, we are not in this together. That woman (can't remember her name) was right... white mothers crying on camera are media gold. Black mothers get the crickets.
It's not getting coverage because it involves black people. Gun control talk only happens when white people are affected. Wake up, we are not in this together. That woman (can't remember her name) was right... white mothers crying on camera are media gold. Black mothers get the crickets.

Preach sista! When its gun related violence in our communities its just "black on black crime" When it hits theirs its "guns are bad". In one situations the blame is on the people amd the other the blame is an inanimate object.

I dont wanna hear no comments from these kids now who likely gave no fucks before. They only want to pull the black numbers imto their agenda and sadly many of our people fall for it out of a desperation to be heard.