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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

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I love the hypocrisy of white conservatives telling white liberal children that it's because of their bullying and harassing of children, that is why they are victims of school shootings.

They literally are justifying someone killing or seeking revenge due to unfair or unjust treatment, name calling or physical abuse.

Does anyone see where I'm heading with this?

They are siding with a killer, in order to protect their interest and blaming the kids who may/or may not have made the kid feel like an outsider for being different, not being inclusive, for him not assimilating into the school's norm, therefore they should change in order for all to feel welcomed and not have resentment for those with power.

Treat people better earlier and they may not be so mad that they feel the need to act out in a violent way as a result of their hurt.

Is anyone seeing any correlation to their hypocrisy? Can they use this same logic in their lives?
I'ma just say this:

As black people, we need to be very careful with the causes we support and who we align ourselves with. Rep or Dem,, conservative or liberal, the majority of the white folks don't give two shits about us.

These same kids, I'd be willing to bet, were anti BLM and STILL don't think the police are a problem even after their local department stood outside while their classmates were being murdered.

We way too often wrap ourselves up in the fights of our oppressors. Why I don't know. Yet black children die every single day in cities all over this country and when WE march, there is little to no support from others. No cheering us on, no companies running to cut ties. We're considered thugs and trouble makers.

This problem is not ours as a community. This is white on white terrorism. As an oppressed people in this country, the last thing we need to do, is join in a fight that would ultimately give us a disproportionate disadvantage in protecting ourselves against a people that have hated us since the very forming of this country.
I'ma just say this:

As black people, we need to be very careful with the causes we support and who we align ourselves with. Rep or Dem,, conservative or liberal, the majority of the white folks don't give two shits about us.

These same kids, I'd be willing to bet, were anti BLM and STILL don't think the police are a problem even after their local department stood outside while their classmates were being murdered.

We way too often wrap ourselves up in the fights of our oppressors. Why I don't know. Yet black children die every single day in cities all over this country and when WE march, there is little to no support from others. No cheering us on, no companies running to cut ties. We're considered thugs and trouble makers.

This problem is not ours as a community. This is white on white terrorism. As an oppressed people in this country, the last thing we need to do, is join in a fight that would ultimately give us a disproportionate disadvantage in protecting ourselves against a people that have hated us since the very forming of this country.

They need our support (numbers) but they don't support us. It's like people can't see what's in front of their faces. We are not in this together.

Ted Nugent: ‘Evidence Is Irrefutable’ the Parkland Student Activists ‘Have No Soul’

Remember when classic rocker and NRA board member Ted Nugent said last year that it was time to tone down the “hateful rhetoric” in the wake of the Congressional baseball shooting that nearly left Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) dead? Well, I guess that’s all out the window now.

Appearing on Newsmax’s The Joe Pags Show, the guitarist/conservative commentator let host Joe Pagliarulo what he thought about the Parkland shooting survivors who have become outspoken gun reform activists. And, umm, yeah.

Describing them as “poor mushy brained children who have been fed lies” and that they’re “committing spiritual suicide” by recommending gun control, Nugent went so far as to label David Hogg and others as lacking a soul.

After Pagliarulo played some clips of Hogg and Emma Gonzalez speaking out against the NRA on CNN, Nugent railed against the media, liberals and the kids.

“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies,” the ‘Wang Dang Sweet Poontang’ singer exclaimed. “I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless.”

He continued, “To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul.”

In terms of “hateful rhetoric” against the Parkland survivors, this may be the leader in the clubhouse.
lol at "week off w great hosts"

Line up leaked.

Mon. Eric Trump
Tues. Steve Bannon
Wed. Ted Nugent
Thur. Paul Mannafort
Fri. Stormy Daniels

Cant wait! lol

Sylvester Stallone’s Brother Calls David Hogg a ‘P*ssy’, Wants Classmates to ‘Sucker Punch’ Him

Remember Frank Stallone? He’s the D-list younger brother of Sylvester Stallone who once scored a Top 10 Billboard hit in the ’80s with the ultra-cheesy ‘Far From Over,’which Sly used in his film Staying Alive. Frank was also the subject of a running gag by Saturday Night Live’s Norm McDonald during the ’90s when McDonald hosted Weekend Update.

Well, ol’ Frank is back, and he’s going after Parkland survivors because of course he is.

In a since-deleted tweet, Stallone called David Hogg a “pussy” who is getting “a little big for his britches.” He added that he was sure “someone from his age group is dying to sucker punch this rich little bitch.” Stallone finished off the tweet by claiming Hogg would “run home like the coward he is” and that the high-schooler is the “worst rep for today’s headline grabbing punk.”


After deleting the tweet, the 67-year-old lounge singer complained that people feel he’s “a bully” but “these privileged teens have no respect to anyone,” adding that most of “the dopes that say things only claim to fame is my brother.”

Looking at Stallone’s Twitter timeline, he has slammed the outspoken teen in recent days, calling on Hogg — who recently called for an ad boycott of Laura Ingraham’s show after she publicly mocked him — to be “bitch slapped” while labeling him a “news hog.”
