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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

BUT they ain’t talking about banning guns.

Just better guns laws and no access to army style weapons.

You have to draw the line somewhere. If not might as well let mini guns and rocket launchers be purchased at your local gun store
Killer Mike is a very smart man. Which makes this interview he did confusing as hell. Anyone who wants to get rid of the 2nd amendment dumb as hell. But this is about ensuring the wrong people don’t get this shit. Rather is through laws or parents being more responsible or whatever.
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Conservative ppl/thinking is against all progress I every facet of life.

If conservative ppl had they way ppl would still be dying from smallpox and diarrhea in large numbers. Internet, modern medicine etc.... all that shot wouldn’t exist.

You can look at conservative states and see how far behind they are in modern times when it comes to innovation and progress on the simplest levels.
Conservative ppl/thinking is against all progress I every facet of life.

If conservative ppl had they way ppl would still be dying from smallpox and diarrhea in large numbers. Internet, modern medicine etc.... all that shot wouldn’t exist.

You can look at conservative states and see how far behind they are in modern times when it comes to innovation and progress on the simplest levels.

Yeah, conservatives are the brakes and progressives are the gas. Every car needs both but the gas is what is supposed to determine your direction.
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I kinda agree with Mike on everything he stated.

The one thing I don’t agree on and I don’t know for sure if he feels this way because the guy who interviewed him didn’t ask is does he think it should be a bit stricter to get weapons. I honestly think their should be more stringent rules in place and better back ground checks.

I don’t agree with teachers having guns in school also. But I’m black and grew up in a high school that had police on campus and they installed metal detectors after I graduated. I think that would be the way to go instead of teachers having weapons.
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Rubio fanboy is clearly in his feelings...

The group getting the March together, CNN and MSNBC, etc. just helps (even though they don’t really need much to sway their viewers) Fox News and other conservative institutions with their recruitment of uninformed or on the fence people.

What that kid stated wasn’t super radical or disrespectful at all. But by those media outlets and other kids some what shunning him and not letting him get his say, makes them look just as biased as Fox, NRA and etc...

You have to be better than your opposition but they are doing the exact same shit the people they bash is doing. Of course not to the extent as those idiots at Fox and the NRA are doing though.