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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread


Parkland Survivor: I Don’t Know How So Many Shootings Were ‘Not Enough’ to Finally Do Something

Samantha Fuentes, a Parkland student who was shot in both legs in last week’s horrific shooting, spoke out about the need to finally take action in an appearance on NBC’s Today.

Fuentes recalled several past mass shootings and how they were “not enough” for people to finally take action:

I don’t know how Columbine wasn’t enough. I don’t know Sandy Hook was not enough. I don’t know how the Las Vegas shooting was not enough. I don’t know how the Pulse nightclub was not enough. I don’t know how any of it was not enough. But now it is. This is enough for me. This is enough for my message, this is enough for my platform, and I’m not gonna let anyone stop me. You don’t know the pain until it happens to you. You don’t know the fear and the sorrow and the disappointment and the complete and utter rage until it happens to you. And the truth is is that it doesn’t have to keep happening.”

CPAC Organizers Hide NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre’s Name From Speaking Schedule After Shooting

Days after 17 students and adults were gunned down at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, officials for the Conservative Political Action Conference — the leading US right-wing gathering of the year — opted to quietly allow NRA head Wayne LaPierre to keep his speaking slot.

According to the Washington Examiner, with the controversy currently swirling around the NRA and their highly controversial chief, CPAC kept LaPierre’s address off the American Conservative Union’s official agenda for the week, but sources within the organization claim he will still be speaking.

LaPierre and CPAC have a long history together, and he has spoken on the conference’s main stage for the past 10 years straight.

Last year, he made headlines at the event with a particular inflammatory speech with aggressive undertones — insisting that the NRA will “fight the violent left.”

“If you’re a member of the leftist media, or a soldier for the violent left, a violent criminal, a drug cartel gang member, or a would-be terrorist, hear this: You’re not going to win and you will not defeat us,” LaPierre said to a rowdy CPAC 2017 audience — which many critics took as a call to violence.

‘For Heaven’s Sake’: Pat Robertson Calls for Stricter Gun Laws, Increased Background Checks

Televangelist Pat Robertson says its time to consider stricter gun laws following the school shooting in Florida last week.

On The 700 Club‘s Tuesday broadcast, Robertson expressed agreement with the resurgence of calls for expanded background checks and bans for automatic weapons and mods like bump stocks.

“I am a gun owner. I have hunted. I have shot skeet,” Robertson said. “But for heaven’s sakes, I don’t think that the general population needs to have automatic weapons. It just doesn’t have to have Russian-built or Chinese-built machine guns. It just doesn’t.”

Robertson also called for discussions about the mental health aspect on gun control, saying people on medication or getting help from a psychiatrist “need to be prohibited from being turned loose on the general population.” This indicates a shift from Robertson’s previous views on guns.

“It’s one thing to defend yourself with a pistol or a shotgun to hunt with, but it’s something else to have [assault weapons],” Robertson said. “I think we can ban those things without too much trouble…We can stop that. It’s just got to be. It’s sensible.”

It’s worth noting that the AR-15 rifle used in the Florida shooting is a semi-automatic gun, not an automatic, but it was enough to kill 17 people last week.



Oh my God.. Crazy old senile bible thumper Pat Robertson is out here making coherent points about guns...

Trump Proposes Arming School Staff: ‘It Could Very Well Solve Your Problem’

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that having more people armed at schools could prevent future mass shootings.

“I think it could very well solve your problem,” he said.

After hearing the devastating stories from parents and young people affected by gun massacres at schools, Trump pointed to the example of Stoneman Douglas football coach Aaron Feis, who was reportedly killed by the alleged gunman last week after Feis threw himself in front of students to protect them from the gunfire.

“If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy — that coach was very brave, saved a lot of lives I suspect — but if he had a firearm, he wouldn’t have had to run, he would have shot and that would have been the end of it,” Trump said.

“Gun-free zone, to a maniac — because they’re all cowards — a gun-free zone is ‘Let’s go in and let’s attack, because bullets aren’t coming back at us,” Trump said, wondering aloud about arming “20 percent of your teaching force.”

“You can’t have 100 security guards in Stoneman Douglas, that’s a big school,” he said. “It’s a massive school with a lot of acreage to cover, a lot of floor area, so that would be certainly a situation that is being discussed a lot by a lot of people.”

“You’d have a lot of people that’d be armed, that’d be ready, they are professionals, they may be Marines that left the Marines, left the Army, left the Air Force, and they are very adept at doing that. You’d have a lot of them and they would be spread evenly through the school.”

The President said he believed “that if these cowards knew that the school was well-guarded from the standpoint of having pretty much professionals with great training, I think they wouldn’t go into the school to start off with.”

“I think it could very well solve your problem,” he said.

“So we’ll be doing the background checks, we’ll be doing a lot of different things, but we’ll certainly be looking at ideas like that.”

Near the end of the listening session, the President said the White House would consider changes to the background check system and the age at which people can buy certain firearms, in addition to mental health measures and considering what institutions can do to intervene with troubled individuals.


Dem. Rep Deutch at Town Hall: Failure to Act on Guns Means Our Democracy is ‘A Little Bit’ Broken

Representative Ted Deutch (R-FL) — who represents the District which includes Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School — was honest but hopeful about the state of America during the CNN town hall Wednesday night addressing the shooting in Parkland, FL.

Robert Schentrup, whose sister Carmen was killed in the Parkland shooting, asked Rep. Deutch whether our democracy is broken because lawmakers have been trying and failing to get common sense gun reform passed for so long.

“A little bit,” Deutch answered.

“There is a poll that came out yesterday that showed that 97 percent, which when you add in the margin of error, is everyone in America, supports universal background checks,” he said. “I don’t have a good answer for why something that’s supported by 100% of the American people hasn’t been passed.”

“When any organization spends tens of millions of dollars promoting the interests of gun corporations… yes, our democracy is a little broken,” Deutch continued. “[But] here’s the beauty of our democracy. No matter how much they spend… the leadership that has been shown is leading a movement that is so much stronger than money spent in political campaigns. That’s why the democracy can be fixed and will be fixed.”


Parkland Survivor Grills Rubio Over NRA Money: ‘In the Name of 17 People’ You Can’t Decline Funds?

A survivor of the Parkland, FL school shooting got into an intense clash with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) during Wednesday night’s CNN Town Hall.

Cameron Kasky, a junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, put the question directly to Rubio.

“Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA in the future?” Kasky said.

Rubio replied, “I can tell you that people buy into my agenda. And I do support the second amendment.”

Kasky interjected.

“So right now in the name of 17 people, you cannot ask the NRA to keep their money out of your campaign?” He said.

“I will always accept the help of anyone who agrees with my agenda,” Rubio said.

“Okay, so I knew that was gonna happen,” Kasky said. “NRA, please just keep the money out of Rubio, okay?”


NRA’s Dana Loesch Brutally Heckled at CNN Town Hall With Shooting Survivors: ‘You’re a Murderer!’

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch entered into the belly of the beast on Wednesday night, appearing at CNN’s live town hall with survivors of the Parkland, Florida high school shooting massacre to make the case for guns — and suffice to say the crowd was less than hospitable.

Loesch opened her appearance by taking a question from Emma Gonzalez, one of the more outspoken students calling for gun control in the wake of the last week’s shooting that left 17 dead at her South Florida high school.

The NRA spox first thanked Gonzalez and her peers for speaking out, before declaring “I don’t believe that this insane monster should ever have been able to obtain a firearm. Ever. I do not think that he should have gotten his hands on any weapon.”

As Loesch began to speak on the issue of mental health, the heckling kicked off.

“Let me answer the question,” Loesch told the rowdy crowd. “You can shout me down when I’m finished but let me answer Emma’s question.

“You’re a murderer!” a woman in the crowd replied.

And then, after Loesch took a swipe at CNN for not covering certain legislation preventing mentally ill people from obtaining firearms, loud boos erupted.

“You guys, if I can’t hear her statement I can’t come up with a rebuttal,” Gonzalez said.

“Do you guys want to stop mentally insane individuals from getting firearms?” Loesch asked the crowd. The heckling continued.


Parkland Survivor Tears Into NRA’S Dana Loesch After Contentious Town Hall: ‘How Dare She’

On Wednesday night, a survivor from last week’s shooting in Parkland, FL had harsh criticisms for NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch for her appearance at CNN’s town hall.

Alfonso Calderon, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, spoke with Don Lemon about the televised event, and was asked specifically about what Loesch had to say.

“Sincerely, I feel like she is — she isn’t living in reality. How dare she.” Calderon said. “The mother the Scott Biegel, one of my teachers at the school, was talking about when the amendment was ratified, and she went off on a tangent about how there were more than muskets at the time. This is so irrelevant! This isn’t at all… we don’t care about that at all. What we care about is seeing change and now.”

Calderon accused Loesch of “tiptoeing around questions” and “dodging yes or no questions.”

“That is indicative to me as to what i think the nra is going to do for this movement and for the people of Parkland who honestly I think are fed up,” Calderon continued.

He predicted that the NRA will “put up a good fight” in the gun control debate, but “we the people” can bring change to this country.

“We the people elect who they pay to stay in office. They need to remember that because they can fight, they’ll fight for years, but change will come,” Calderon told Lemon.
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