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Nah, Consoles back then couldn't connect to the internet. Tablets, unless you get one of those Leapfrog types are just smaller weaker computers. Big difference.
i dont think that was the point he was trying to make

but i could be wrong
this is no different from when all of us had consoles growing up

It's a LOT different.

If tablets only played video games you would have a point. But that's not the case. You have full access to everything on the internet, good or bad, through a tablet and handing your child something like that with complete, unfettered access to everything out there is fuckin stupid and completely irresponsible.
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It's a LOT different.

If tablets only played video games you would have a point. But that's not the case. You have full access to everything on the internet, good or bad, through a tablet and handing you child something like that with complete, unfettered access to everything out there is fuckin stupid and completely irresponsible.
AP is about say parental settings

What is your rebuttal?
It's a LOT different.

If tablets only played video games you would have a point. But that's not the case. You have full access to everything on the internet, good or bad, through a tablet and handing you child something like that with complete, unfettered access to everything out there is fuckin stupid and completely irresponsible.
ok, but this is a far different stance from you other post which, at least, implied to me, that you took more issue with the fact that a lot of these kids have tablets in the first place
Yea my kid been told me about Momo like last year

We watched a video together about it on this chanel he likes called Real of Fake
Yeah this is why I hover over my 4yr old when he is on his.

I keep him off youtube, for the simple fact that it can take you down a rabbit hole to shit like this real fast.

Sometimes I hate that Al Gore invented this damn internet to begin with.
ok, but this is a far different stance from you other post which, at least, implied to me, that you took more issue with the fact that a lot of these kids have tablets in the first place

That's the REASON it's stupid. Unless a parent is going to be diligent enough to keep an eye on what their child is doing on a tablet at all times you run the risk of exposing your child to all manner of foul shit and we all know this ain't gonna be the case; not every parent is gonna care enough to do it.
That's the REASON it's stupid. Unless a parent is going to be diligent enough to keep an eye on what their child is doing on a tablet at all times you run the risk of exposing your child to all manner of foul shit and we all know this ain't gonna be the case; not every parent is gonna care enough to do it.
then it goes back to my original point

this is no different from us having consoles when we grew up

before the game rating system, how many games did you play that were probably too mature for you to play?

so now your issue goes back to responsibility and accountability of the parent, which im all for

how many parents just what...15+ years ago were letting their kids play the GTA games not knowing you could fuck prostitutes?

Hell, what, 10 years ago, it was Call of duty
Actual parenting is time consuming as hell. Ppl have kids and end up doing every damn thing but raising them and feeding them correctly.

You have to watch over what they do and keep open communications with them at all times.

But too many ppl would rather just hand over a phone or tablet and say go away kid

It really the same shit a lotta our parents did with us and tv. But shit was a little more normal then. The internet is too cacky
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then it goes back to my original point

this is no different from us having consoles when we grew up

before the game rating system, how many games did you play that were probably too mature for you to play?

so now your issue goes back to responsibility and accountability of the parent, which im all for

how many parents just what...15+ years ago were letting their kids play the GTA games not knowing you could fuck prostitutes?

Hell, what, 10 years ago, it was Call of duty

Meh, I see what you aiming at but its different

You couldn't watch porn or learn how to make a pipe bomb on an nes. The internet opens up way more destructivr shit.

But the principle still stands of parental involvement. And this is what ppl gloss over. We see shit like this and get more mad at the weirdos than the neglectful parents that produce them
Meh, I see what you aiming at but its different

You couldn't watch porn or learn how to make a pipe bomb on an nes. The internet opens up way more destructivr shit.

But the principle still stands of parental involvement. And this is what ppl gloss over. We see shit like this and get more mad at the weirdos than the neglectful parents that produce them
we still talking about apples and oranges

remove internet access completely and you have exactly what you just typed in your previous post
Unfortunately, this shit is old.

And your kids prolly been seen this. The
Media is mad late on this one....

A home boy of mines in it said he saw this the first time 2 years ago, and it's died down dramatically in the past 9 months or so to the point the news article was the first time he saw it this year

You sure it's the same thing? I know jackasses have been splicing things into kids videos for a while. I spotted one a couple years ago. My daughter was watching one of those ABC songs type videos that goes on for hours. She had fallen asleep and it was just playing on the TV. I walked by and just happened catch a break where some dude in a mask popped up and just started screaming. I was like WTF? I watched a little longer and he did that shit like two or three more times before the video ended. That's fucked up, but it's not super dangerous. Coming on the video and teaching kids the proper way to commit suicide is some other shit though.

I hate these things, but my kids have gotten into watching these videos where kids and their parents put on little skits. They are cheesy as hell, but it's kiddy shit and they love it. Those are a bit safer I guess, but you don't have to worry about some random jackass hijacking the video.
then it goes back to my original point

this is no different from us having consoles when we grew up

before the game rating system, how many games did you play that were probably too mature for you to play?

so now your issue goes back to responsibility and accountability of the parent, which im all for

how many parents just what...15+ years ago were letting their kids play the GTA games not knowing you could fuck prostitutes?

Hell, what, 10 years ago, it was Call of duty

Fam... We're from different eras. There was no rating system back in the late 70's/early-mid 80's because there was no reason to have it. Aside from Custer's Revenge and one more game who's name I can't quite remember for the 2600 (and both were only available from porn shops), there really wasn't anything out there "adult oriented" or questionable for consoles.

The first game I can remember that raised eyebrows was Leisure Suit Larry, and that was a PC game that came out when I was 15 or 16.

Even in the next wave of gaming (NES, Master System, XE GS) there wasn't anything like that. Actually, the worst thing I can remember for consoles was Night Trap for the Sega CD, and I was 20 by the time that shit came out and it's tame as fuck by today's standards; you can see worse shit on an episode of Family Guy.