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I think my son got it confused with a game because he kept saying it’s a horror game. I told him I don’t think it’s the same thing. Either way I told him if he saw it again he can’t play a game that has it on there and don’t do what it says. He did say the name was Momo though.
I think my son got it confused with a game because he kept saying it’s a horror game. I told him I don’t think it’s the same thing. Either way I told him if he saw it again he can’t play a game that has it on there and don’t do what it says. He did say the name was Momo though.
might be a copycat

cant rule that out, but even if he seeing that, might be time to put that on parental restriction
Yup. I monitor everything. I have everyone’s passwords, as well. This Momo shit is just another wack thing happening. They did something like this before but not w this character.

Btw momo looks like a tim burton version of Miranda cosgrove
freeman stop drinking on the clock man

Whatever man I ain't trying to fight with yall this morning. I'm actually with my nephew fucking up some hot wheels right now. He got a p.a. day.
might be a copycat

cant rule that out, but even if he seeing that, might be time to put that on parental restriction
Well he uses YouTube kids on his phone but he uses regular YouTube on the tv and his xbox when we’re at home. He might’ve saw it there. He watches fortnite videos all the time. But all in all we talked about it and I told him don’t pay it any attention if he does see it again.
Unfortunately, this shit is old.

And your kids prolly been seen this. The
Media is mad late on this one....

A home boy of mines in it said he saw this the first time 2 years ago, and it's died down dramatically in the past 9 months or so to the point the news article was the first time he saw it this year
I'm saying this is such a scary figure to tell your kids to kill themselves and everybody in the house silently. It's interesting almost like it was a movie

Then I'm saying to be safe and tell your kids nieces and nephews and you know spread the word