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Othal Wallace stood his ground against a pig trying to lynch him

They won’t do anything about these race soldiers harming black people, so when a black person is proactive about protecting themselves it’s also a problem.
He wasn’t protecting himself

He did it for us all.
He tired of the shit.
What do you mean he wasn’t protecting himself?
Here we go.

him getting rid of the cop is a win for us all. It’s not just about him. One less ti worry about.

y’all jaded out here. Geez

I see it as people fighting back. Taking the initiative.
fwiw I was always that one guy who was like "Oh no, I think Mumia Abu-Jamal killed that pig, but it was either self-defense or like 2nd degree manslaughter at worst"

Like, nobody ever talks about Mumia looking out the car window and seeing some asshole cop beating the shit outta his brother.
The fact that they basically put a hit out on dude means the character assassination groundwork is already being laid for when they find him.
And you know how we know othal was innocent? First the pig asked do you live here = harassment. After the headshot othal said "fuck that" = i won't be a blm hashtag

If i was his lawyer im clinging to that as self defense
I would go somewhere outta state or at least far away from that county to turn myself in...
really hate to hear about a life lost...

just watched that video that looks bad for the brotha how yall justifying that
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Didnt actually see him shoot him.
Someone else coulda shot the cop which caused him to run.

I did not see the man with a gun
i don’t like cops. But I can’t believe y’all unanimously acting like this a good thing. For one, the shoot first ask questions later is never a safe policy, two you shooting at the authorities for what again?, three, now these cops really bout to come at niggas head now feeling even more justified in doing so. Dumb move