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COMMUNITY On my way to Chuuch

Born & raised in church. Some of my fondest memories was activities we did in church. My Dad is a deacon. Haven't been since last year...but I know I need to go.

One of my biggest gripes I have with the church tho...

- hypocrisy
- part time Christians
- crooked pastors
- judgemental Christians

I despise the fact that people pick & choose parts of the Bible to push whateva unjust agenda they have.

I despise folks in any religion trying to "force" people to accept their religion. As if their religion is the "true" religion people should follow, and all the others are false.

I despise folks who seriously believe Islam is the only religion that has extremist, and a violent history. Yet turn a blind eye to Christianity's violent history like the Crusades. The Catholic church getting exposed.

I've had issues wit "man" and their intentions preaching the Word of God. Especially when they get a lil power.
don't believe in God/s but I believe in nature and our body link to the rest of the universe.
Oh and I DETEST religion's involvement with government, and vice versa.

There's reason why we have separation in church and state. I find it laughable a lot these politicians are so-called saved, or religious only when it's an elections.
With that being said, let's talk about tithing or rather the principles of tithing. Better yet, why is it that people always come for the church when it comes to finances but blindly give their money to Jordan and whatever brand of choice they love?

I was baptized Catholic... Three years at Catholic School... I blindly pay more for a name on things I can taste...
giphy (12).gif

And one can believe in god without believing in...

I disagree with you on saying that you can't make multiple posts on not believing in god. there are people who believe in every aspect of a religion except the religious deity involved. there's a whole spectrum of non-believers who have varying beliefs.


Really AP, you really narrowed mind bruh

God comes with a lot of names...
A Diamond comes with a lot of facets...
Nobody knows what God looks like...
Just saying....
Meanwhile... A star looks like a diamond.
And stars are definitely in the cosmos...

I got a theory. 1000s of years ago before Abrahamic faiths humans worshipped nature mostly or things in nature. Feminine deitys were worshipped all over. Before we became hunter gatheres we were farmers. Women often represent fertility. I wonder if we stuck with worshipping women and not just father God how would we ve different
Instead we have the Bible which tells us we all started here [in Egypt] as aliens... I mean it's about perception, I think, it's not all exactly meant to be taken completely literal. If you know about evolution... What got here first? Ice. Carrying microscopic us pre growth and development... faith and knowledge.

*My personal opinion... (Just generally on religion and God...)
You dont give God much credit if you can't figure out how God is responsible for all things INCLUDING evolution....
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People are people.

No religion alone makes any person automatically better than the next.

People should be judged by their actions alone and not their religious affiliation.

That's my biggest pet peeve....folk are just too eagerly ignorant about assigning negative isolated experiences and applying them to all church, all of any religion.

It's lazy and annoying.

I know there are lot of phoney church folk, and greedy pastor's....But they do not represent all...And It's mad frustrating discussing church and religion, cuz people stay having these loaded arguments that don't even apply to my personal experience.

My response to that is that I am not a whole,I am an individual. And each individual in existence has their own personal relationship or lack of one with their personal God.

We may agree on some things, disagree on others, but no two are the same. Let alone a whole group of folk....

Other than that, it's whatever.
I have my strengths, I have my weaknesses. I pray, I read, I go to church. I mediate. I make conscious strives to live righteous when in a relaxed state with my decision making.

It's a journey. I feel like I've come a long way, and I got a long way to go....

But I do love my church and my church family.
As far as my relationship with Christ...

I look at it as a old western....

Christ is the protagonist, and I'm like that dude who rides for him cuz he saved my life in a story that happened before the movie....

Like i might tell it, some folk might know it....But the point is he saved my life,, and I feel I owe him with mines.....

So I do my best to live as I feel he would have me live....which is a love directed life, and that brings me joy...

There's a lot more to it, but if I had to sum it up for the purposes of a thread like this.....I'm comfortable leading with that explanation
People are people.

No religion alone makes any person automatically better than the next.

People should be judged by their actions alone and not their religious affiliation.

That's my biggest pet peeve....folk are just too eagerly ignorant about assigning negative isolated experiences and applying them to all church, all of any religion.

It's lazy and annoying.

I know there are lot of phoney church folk, and greedy pastor's....But they do not represent all...And It's mad frustrating discussing church and religion, cuz people stay having these loaded arguments that don't even apply to my personal experience.

My response to that is that I am not a whole,I am an individual. And each individual in existence has their own personal relationship or lack of one with their personal God.

We may agree on some things, disagree on others, but no two are the same. Let alone a whole group of folk....

Other than that, it's whatever.
I have my strengths, I have my weaknesses. I pray, I read, I go to church. I mediate. I make conscious strives to live righteous when in a relaxed state with my decision making.

It's a journey. I feel like I've come a long way, and I got a long way to go....

But I do love my church and my church family.


if you have negative experience with a restaurant, auto mechanic, uber driver, etc...you go somewhere else...but if you have an issue with the church, why do you stay? Go somewhere else...surely there is some place that will suit your needs.

My thing is, people get so caught up in the actual building being the church instead of "when two or more gather in the same place". The physical church on this side of heaven is simply a brick and mortar building. Don't die on this hill.

It sucks, yes, pastors/preachers are supposed to lead by example, but one thing that people keep forgetting is, these are HUMANS before everything. They are flawed just like us and are susceptible to the same sins as you and I. Stop holding them or people in general in such high regard.
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if you have negative experience with a restaurant, auto mechanic, uber driver, etc...you go somewhere else...but if you have an issue with the church, why do you stay? Go somewhere else...surely there is some place that will suit your needs.

My thing is, people get so caught up in the actual building being the church instead of "when two or more gather in the same place". The physical church on this side of heaven is simply a brick and mortar building. Don't die on this hill.

It sucks, yes, pastors/preachers are supposed to lead by example, but one thing that people keep forgetting is, these are HUMANS before everything. They are flawed just like us and are susceptible to the same sins as you and high. Stop holding them or people in general in such high regard.

I bare these same thoughts to mind when I think about the Bible....
Break it down....


Emphasis on BASIC
I bare these same thoughts to mind when I think about the Bible....
Break it down....


Emphasis on BASIC
i like this

very nice

this is where i think that, in its basic form, if you dont remember anything from the bible, or you disagree with just about everything, the one thing that is the most practical are most of the 10 commandments when it comes to something to help steer your moral compass on a day to day basis
i like this

very nice

this is where i think that, in its basic form, if you dont remember anything from the bible, or you disagree with just about everything, the one thing that is the most practical are most of the 10 commandments when it comes to something to help steer your moral compass on a day to day basis

Exactly. I call myself omni-denominational because I take all of the best moral codes from all religions I study and mash that into my moral standing.
Scientology is the only one that has sucked a little for me because the only thing I really know about it is Disassociation... But that too serves it's purpose. My family is known for fucking people over AND sideways on personal levels.
BUT just like everything happens for a reason, we retain and learn everything we do for a reason...
Both Du & AP made points I agree with. I deal with that when I tell people I identify as a Hebrew Israelite. Most people have no idea what that is. And when people do, they have all types of assumptions based on things they may have seen online. Most of which does not apply to me or my personal beliefs.

The basis of my beliefs is that the Scriptures are the final authority on all things. But I've learned that that within itself can cause disagreement betwwwn believers. And I've learned that some will not believe what i do, and that's ok. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. We can have a discussion and study based on Proverbs 27, but im in no position to be an evangelist at this point.
Both Du & AP made points I agree with. I deal with that when I tell people I identify as a Hebrew Israelite. Most people have no idea what that is. And when people do, they have all types of assumptions based on things they may have seen online. Most of which does not apply to me or my personal beliefs.

The basis of my beliefs is that the Scriptures are the final authority on all things. But I've learned that that within itself can cause disagreement betwwwn believers. And I've learned that some will not believe what i do, and that's ok. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. We can have a discussion and study based on Proverbs 27, but im in no position to be an evangelist at this point.

I'd start with Proverbs 27 is the reason why Exodus 22:18
now...onto my spill about tithing

lets just put this out there...the church is a business.

It needs finances to keep the lights on, water running, etc...

so people need to get off this "why the church need money stuff" imo

also, you dont always have to tithe your finances. You can tithe your time and talents to also advance the kingdom. Thats not to say you should ever ever ever make a financial pledge or offering, but dont die on this hill and let it stop you from contributing in some way.

another way to look at it is, singing might not be your thing, so the choir isnt for you, but maybe you have an infectious attitude and a general pleasant attitude, so the role of greeter is right up your alley. Or maybe you help tutor the youth after school. That is just as valuable as a monetary contribution
another peeve...STOP saying that money is the root of evil and tie that to crooked pastors

its "for the LOVE of money, is the root of evil"..or in other words, you are worshiping an idol. It will definitely cause your to be in conflict with your moral compass. People have killed others for $20 and less.
yea, if anyone is really worried about where their tithes go.......

volunteer to work in the finance room at one of these small churches.....not multi billion dollar churches..
i'm talking 30-60 members community driven family churches........when u see how much money actually comes in vs how much a typical church puts out......

it's no wonder them folk so faith driven...

i give what i can, and donate my time when i can as well.....plus being one of the younger folk, i'm often a runner back n forth in the building during most services n stuff....

wife works in the finance room....

we both will throw on aprons to serve food if we're not already committed to do such....

so it's more than just money....u can giv ur time as well, churches always need help..

we don't have a professional cleaning service, so every saturday morning a bunch of members will clean.... i was on that crew for a few years before i started working nights again
now...onto my spill about tithing

lets just put this out there...the church is a business.

It needs finances to keep the lights on, water running, etc...

so people need to get off this "why the church need money stuff" imo

also, you dont always have to tithe your finances. You can tithe your time and talents to also advance the kingdom. Thats not to say you should ever ever ever make a financial pledge or offering, but dont die on this hill and let it stop you from contributing in some way.

another way to look at it is, singing might not be your thing, so the choir isnt for you, but maybe you have an infectious attitude and a general pleasant attitude, so the role of greeter is right up your alley. Or maybe you help tutor the youth after school. That is just as valuable as a monetary contribution

Great post.

I mentioned something about tithing on the IC. And basically the original purpose was a personal sacrifice of personal items given to TMH at a time of your choosing to show allegiance or reverence.

What you described is just that. It should not be REQUIRED or have to necessarily be monetary.
This is why I study Miz. So at face value, what would be your interpretation of Exodus 22:18?

Easiest words it was explained to me in:

"Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live."

Bare to mind: we are now living in a time when we don't just live... People are starting to EXIST. Some people... Hell some people are communicating and never met!! And I'm not talking about any other technology but the computers known as their brains....
God knows all things past and present... People like me (the witch) and others like me (you hear lyrics all the time about the voices in people's heads) ...I'm pretty sure he meant we weren't supposed to be "woke" people... And who so ever woke us will have to answer to Him.



I question my own sanity while sitting in reality the vanity it shoved me up the ladder to Insanity.
Calamity she ran at me she said my soul I have to see there has to be a way for me to think about some other thing.
So see it's all just tragedy. Trajectory. Unsettled.

Sorry... It's like a burp. I can't help it.