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Official Wrestling News Thread

Wrestling on fridays always been weird to me. Expecially since alot of people usually go out friday or go out with their family for dinner/fun.

And its taped. Folks just going read what happened and if they happen to be at home friday and remember then they might tune in.
Fans don't seem to mind based off their reaction.

As long as they produce quality matches...which they have most of the time...then I don't see what's the issue.

At some point tho...AEW gonna have to create another 2hr show. Or just extend Rampage. Instead of packing everything in one show.

But I like how AEW is giving fans a variety of match ups. I mean just not too long ago...weren't we griping about having the same two WWE talent wrestling each other for the umpteenth time?

Ratings gonna fluctuate regardless.

Isn't that what their C-show Dark:Elevation is for…
What comes on Thursday nights on TNT from October to April? Anyone?
According to Wrestling Observer’s Bryan Alvarez on the Bryan & Vinny & Jonathan Show, even before his latest arrest, AEW wasn’t going to have Jeff compete in the match.

“The idea was the Hardys were going to win the tag titles in this ladder match, that was the plan for awhile. Apparently, at the pay-per-view when the Hardys and the Bucks had their match, Jeff was not looking good. Apparently, they examined him afterwards and he was all beat up and he didn’t remember the match.
“Remember when Jeff got pulled over and said he was on his way to a brain scan? He was on his way to a brain scan. So, his idea was to drink whatever he drank and then drive to his brain scan.
“They had advertised the ladder match. He was never actually going to be in the ladder match. They were going to do the angle where he and Matt were going to be coming out for the ladder match, they were going to be jumped on the ramp and they were going to be carted off and they weren’t actually going to do the match. So, whether he had his DUI or not, Jeff was never going to do that ladder match. It was always going to be Jurassic Express vs. the Young Bucks for the tag team titles with the Young Bucks winning.
“The Hardys were going to be in the ladder match but then after they scheduled him for the brain scan, he wasn’t going to be in the ladder match.”
Lmaooo @ Vince actually showing up to address shit tonight.

The show really never stops for this mf. He tryin to grab those ratings before he go to the house.