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Official Wrestling News Thread

I don’t give a fuck when this is a game in which accolades are handed to you.

It’s the fuckin Miz.

Don’t care how many grand slams the bitch nigga won, Coral from Real World New York took his nuts too many times on national tv for me to ever take his lame ass seriously.

He stayed getting punked on Road Rules too.
Good god how do u know there are thirty seasons?!

Why the fuck are there 30 seasons!?!?

I can remember watching the one the did in Hawaii back in like ‘99. 30 fuckin seasons is wild but it was pretty much the first official reality show.
Only season I vividly remember is the one where the bitch played like Lyme disease was some debilitating sickness and then made it the entire casts problem and then got slapped by some chichimon upon her departure.
Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) won the WWE world title at Wrestlemania 30 in 2014 but was stripped of the championship just a few months later due to a neck injury. While speaking to TMZ.com, Bryan revealed what WWE’s creative plans were if he didn’t have the injury…

“When I won the World Championship at WrestleMania 30, I wasn’t their guy. They still had plans, like, ‘Okay, we really want to transition to Roman Reigns being the guy.’ Vince [McMahon] legitimately sat me down and told me that. It was really funny because the conversation was like, ‘Okay, so we have these great plans—this is like a week after I had won the title or whatever—and we’ve got these big plans. We’ll have a couple of title defenses for you between now and SummerSlam, but at SummerSlam, you’ll wrestle Brock Lesnar and he’ll destroy you. Then we’ll build up BrockLesnar for Roman Reigns, and Roman will be the next John Cena.'”

”He’s telling this to me, and I’m like, ‘That’s great, but I would kind of like to be the next John Cena.’ I remember seeing the look on Vince’s face where he was just like, ‘Oh, I didn’t think you even saw that as a possibility for yourself.’ It was really funny. Then he—this is the only time Vince has ever backtracked with me—he said, ‘Well, nobody can really be the next John Cena, you know? It’s like, you know…’ But in his mind, I wasn’t the guy. I was just the guy they needed at that particular point because the fans wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”
(quotes courtesy of RingsideNews.com)