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Official Wrestling News Thread

Who is he over on my list with his lil two years as the top guy
Austin is in the face of the company club with Bruno, Hulk, Rock, Cena, and now Roman. Anybody else don't belong.

We can exclude Bruno for being from another era. I'll let Roman finish his run before we rank him. So it's just Hulk, Stone Cold, Rock and Cena. No one else has the accolades to compare.
Austin is in the face of the company club with Bruno, Hulk, Rock, Cena, and now Roman. Anybody else don't belong.

We can exclude Bruno for being from another era. I'll let Roman finish his run before we rank him. So it's just Hulk, Stone Cold, Rock and Cena. No one else has the accolades to compare.
Roman don't belong either. The disrespect to Undertaker
Roman don't belong either. The disrespect to Undertaker
Yeah yeah yeah, I know you gotta work the gimmick.

But being the face of the company in the most profitable era in company history speaks for itself. Being the face during a multi billion dollar merger cements his place. Dude brought them out of a damn pandemic stronger than ever.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know you gotta work the gimmick.

But being the face of the company in the most profitable era in company history speaks for itself. Being the face during a multi billion dollar merger cements his place. Dude brought them out of a damn pandemic stronger than ever.
No gimmick, Taker has done more in the company than Austin
Austin had a two year run before he went out for neck surgery and came back and never got back to that point cause The Rock took his spot. The failed heel turn and when he turned back face it wasn't the same
Austin had a two year run before he went out for neck surgery and came back and never got back to that point cause The Rock took his spot. The failed heel turn and when he turned back face it wasn't the same

Steve Austin dominated 2001. Period
Lol and go look at how many times he was in the main event of raw smackdown and PPVs in that year. You know you’re wrong
Only because Rock was filming the scorpion king and Triple H had the torn quad, that was a horrible time as a fan during that run and the alliance nonsense
Only because Rock was filming the scorpion king and Triple H had the town quad, that was a horrible time as a fan during that run and the alliance nonsense

…..and? Guess what? He would have dominated all of 2000 if he didn’t miss most of the year because of neck surgery
Taker has longevity but we gotta look at what he was doing during the majority of that time. Cause wrestling stiffs ain't worth much.

His character and his opponents kept him from being able to have good matches for the first dozen years of his career. Nobody is going back to watch him vs Mabel, Giant Gonzalez and Kamala.
Rock had evened things up with Austin in the 2nd half of 99 after his face turn. His segments were outgrowing Stone Colds. I think Austin goes heel at some point in 2000 if he had been healthy, history shows he wouldn't want to be 1b to Rocky.