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Body bag!!!

The irony is not lost on me that the Genie, while set in Arabia and the lead roles seem to be people of Arabic descent, is a black man. Anf he complains about being a "slave" and wanting to be freed.

Wonder who the casting director had auditioning for the role?

Karma for what now

You forgot about your campaigning on the IC when the mods were abusing their powers? Doing unnecessary bans and locking of threads?

What's the rules on hollering at a chick in a wheelchair?
You know the neck fire.

My nigga messed with a bitch that had cerebral palsy. I thought the bitch was wild drunk till he told me. Then my guy cut her after a couple weeks cause the pussy was trash. Lmao. Niggas.

Still clown him about that shit. Bout to msg him right now lmao.
My nigga messed with a bitch that had cerebral palsy. I thought the bitch was wild drunk till he told me. Then my guy cut her after a couple weeks cause the pussy was trash. Lmao. Niggas.

Still clown him about that shit. Bout to msg him right now lmao.
What kinda weirdo shit is that. Bitch sloppring and shit.
What's the rules on hollering at a chick in a wheelchair?
You know the neck fire.

Too bad SJ2...S2J...the nigga who was hollerin at disabled chicks got banned to oblivion.

I'm sure he got some tips. Lol
What kinda weirdo shit is that. Bitch sloppring and shit.

I realized at that moment how unimportant getting pussy was to me. Dudes out here wild thirsty.
If you seen how fucked up this chicks limp was maaaaaannn.
She used to be walking down the alley to the spot I had and we'd be watching her on cam like "aye bruh its palsy!" We were non stop cracking on my guy.
She was actually pretty af but the limp. And she had a heavy lisp smh.
I'm growing to becoming a conniuseur and living legend of driving the back streets of North Dallas
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