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Going back to school sounds like a great idea

*checks class search, sees adulting as a class offered*

You know, I think I'll go to a trade school instead.
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i just went to checkers and got my check with some fries and a big buford and this shit...fuck
Called my mama about my boy(my student I told y’all about) and told her what i planned on doing for him. In the middle of the conversation, I hear her say “ooh, these are 8.99” I asked her what and she said underwear. I asked her what she was doing and she said shopping for the student. She got my boy some new uniforms and underwear and a backpack. I’m gonna pick him up some stuff this weekend.

He getting some new shoes, books (he told me he loved to read), socks, etc.

Now I see where I got my giving spirit from.
Homie confidence about to sky rocket.
I swear it's like my instructors are tryin to extend the semester wit these last assignments.
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