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I came to the halal butcher store to get some quality lamb chops for thanksgiving and had to snap on a mfer for not having a mask on around me.

Im already stressed for the fact that im gonna be around my parents for thanskgiving and hope no one passes the rona to them, and here this mfer go with no mask on walking around with no mask on damn near brushing up on me on some fuck social distancing shit.

Snapped on him and told him to stay the fuck away from me with no mask on and asked the manager how they even allowed him in there.

They ended up kicking him out.
And there was this lady coughing up a storm too. Like man I never hit a woman before but I was trying to decide if I should body slam her.


Technically, the group would be hitting her. Not you. On behalf of the ABW Coalition - Body Slam approved. I got a dub on ya bail money.
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I see..

Over slept today and missed out on the Kobe zooms Bruce Lee joints. I'm pissed af. These hype beast assholes are fixing the shoe game up
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