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None of those things

He was upset we didn't tell him so that he could gave a ride waiting but it knew he was lacking so it wasn't a surprise

Didnt shake my hand tho
None of those things

He was upset we didn't tell him so that he could gave a ride waiting but it knew he was lacking so it wasn't a surprise

Didnt shake my hand tho
i know you was shaking like a leaf in a tornado
So yo...this past weekend reminded me why I dont go outside.

Went to some pirate show with the wife and kids. We get to the pre show where the only seats left are upper deck, where half the stage is blocked by a beam.

Anyway, pre show is a bunch of BS, son drank too much and had to go to the bathroom, my wife runs him to the bathroom. So I'm there wit my youngest on my shoulder and my oldest standing on a chair next to me.

All of a sudden theres a influx of people to the upper deck. People are so close to me that our arms are touching

:Pathetic:I'm disgusted, I dont like..to be touched.

I try to be cool, but after awhile it turns to "yo fam" .."fam".."yo.."..and so fourth. So then I notice that I'm the only one these people are swarming around. To top it off, my view ain't even the best view. WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE AROUND ME!!
:Pathetic:I'm getting pissed off.

Some white chick goes to sit in the seat that's next to me that clear has a box of popcorn and drink. I say to the white lady, ayo..my wife is sitting there..she touches me

says..oooh I'm sorry here I am thinking I can sit anywhere..silly me susy..that's deadass what she said

:Pathetic:I'm getting upset..

she moves, now while this is happening, out the corner of my eye i see a brotha watching this exchange.

once she moves, he makes a b line for the chair and sits. I know he was near enough to know what i just said. not only does he sit in the seat, he puts his back to me..

I go..ayo fam..he ignores me..now I gotta touch him or yell at him. keep in mind. my youngest on my shoulders, my oldest next to me. he knows I'm not in the position or type of time to be on no hood shit.

I tap him, I go, ayo fam..my wife is sitting there..he turns to me..
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looks me dead in my eyes..says..ok

:Pathetic:I've met my delta level of frustration and anger.....

I say..u didnt hear me, that my wifes seat..he goes..


his girl comes out of no where and snatches his ass up,..she knew what type of shit he was tryna be on..

:Pathetic:I hate people so fucking much man

Can't front...this legit pissed me off.

I would've sat my child in that seat until the wife came back, but man...I hate ig'nant azzz muthafuccas.
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