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I'm a Christian, but this was funny to me.

I give my pastor a hard time because he can give good answers to most things, but when I asked him why people believe God doesn't make mistakes when the Bible says he regretted making Man, he gave me some BS answer like "regret doesn't mean the same thing for God as it means for us."

Just because you regret something doesn't necessarily mean it was a mistake.

Meaning, if you're a supervisor, you might regret having to firing someone........but firing that person wasn't a mistake if they did something that warranted them being fired.
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Just because you regret something doesn't necessarily mean it was a mistake.

Meaning, if you're a supervisor, you might regret having to firing someone........but firing that person wasn't a mistake if they did something that warranted them being fired.

That line of reasoning doesn't really apply here. Look at the verses in question.

5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them." But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

In your example, the supervisor bears no responsibility for why the person has to be fired, that responsibility just falls to the supervisor. In the Bible, God expresses regret for something that he actually did. And his express desire is to undo what he did. I'm not really sure how else you interpret that other than him acknowledging he made a mistake. On top of that, the passage is written as if he has a knee jerk reaction. He doesn't say "I want to destroy everybody, but Noah because I favor him." It says "I want to destroy everyone." and then at some point he decides to make an exception for Noah.
man i thought....

~AP...wait...he was nice enough to repost the socks...even though you might not wear these, just thank that man for his efforts~

Whoa...alright alright...not my speed, but thanks brah
Regular ass socks b..wtf im sure they got pastel and rainbows and shit if you look hard enough

lol @


This bitch took the lotion with her to work wtf!

Now I gotta sit here and find shit to replace it

let that woman moisturize brah

at least she didnt take your phone.......and the modem

Lmao ayo bruh hand sanitizer is mostly alcohol.. and alcohol dries your skin out

you bout to be ashy as fuck
Lol listen I started off with baby powder and thought I could rub it in

I was like "well that wasn't smart"

It's cool I got lotion at work but man I feel disgusting
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