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Damn so i took my uncle to court today cause he aint suppose to be drivin

this nigga 71 yrs old n they gave him a choice between 110 days locked up and 6 months probation

nigga took the probation but I know his ass bout to violate cause he aint got no chill whatsoever
@Banginscrew901 check em out


look like some shit you'd drive
Chick just came in here and accused one of our regulars of being a serial rapist.

Said he targets women with anorexia because they're more submissive, dependant, and less likely to tell.

He raped a friend of hers 3 years ago, beat her really bad. Andc she was scared to turn him in because she thought he loved her.

After she found out that he had a album of sonograms from the abortions of his victims she decided to start talking.

He's been trying to get her to sign a nda.
Police won't press charges bcuz of lack of evidence.

So she's going bar to bat to tell everyone
Someone bought a hoodie and a chain for their bird and it's the dopest thing i've seen all week

Damn i had forgot all about this movie

a top 5 childhood favorite of mine


i found it on that tubi app w/ the free movies n shit. Think ill watch it b4 i knock out tonight
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