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Co-sign except the Parkers


Annoying? Of course.

Am i watching anyway?

How can I watch all

I wouldnt be that harsh, I'd say Vick accepts the reality of America and is choosing to rise above the ugly side of it

I don't think it's even that deep. I believe he just knows the shelf life on running QBs isn't very long particularly when they run into injury issues. Vick is just speaking from his own experience. He was sidelined for a very different reason, but he knew that when he tried to get back on, he couldn't expect a lot of money up front. So he took what he could, and then turned it into more with decent performance in Philly initially. I think all he's saying is that Cam is in a good position because he's getting the 1 mil now, but if he demonstrates that he can play, he will be able to turn it into a bigger payday. If that's the case, it wasn't a race or even a personality issue, it was just business. I think Vick is right. I do think there is some race related reasons for why black QBs and white QBs are treated differently, but there is also just a difference in how the league treats pocket QBs vs running or more high risk QBs. That's probably what's at play here. You're not going to pay 10 mil for someone you think you might get hurt after 4 games and be done for the season.
I get people talking bout going out..

Going out?!!


It's all fun and games until it hit too close. They're failing to realize that it affects the safety of those around them. It's local here still going on vacations and they are going to Florida.....to the beach of all places smh
At what point did Skip Bayliss become a LeBron hater?

Was he denied entry to a LeBron party?
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