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Bro my cousins dad uses his hands to catch cat fish like just bare hands ive seen him catch big fat ass catfish each makes like 10 20 slices of fish medium sized to small
I’m a sis. I would never touch a catfish unless it’s fried.
He meant striped bass lol.

They look like this. Good eatin too. This is actually a hybrid. But they look the same.


Ooooooh I’m embarrassed. ???????
I’m a sis. I would never touch a catfish unless it’s fried.
Hell no dame here I tried the shit and I'm not gonna lie I caught a big one with a lot of help but they where like "all right grab the gills under the head" grabbed them then for some dumbass reason every body let go and the shit started swinging me like side ways back and forth so I started yelling grab it grab it then the fuckers just laughed at me
Nigga I just realized this is the new Facebook think about I feel like there should be a app for this site
There's an app but it's under construction

Go ahead and download it anyway and rate it 5 stars

It's on both iOS and Android
Is there a way I can buy abw bucks to change my name up or put a stack on someones head and ban them for a day ?

ima send you an email address where u can pay directly to the websites paypal

just send 25 bucks and i'll activate god mode on your account, it only last for 2 weeks but if you get the premium for 50 you'll receive a couple extra perks.

You say you like smut?

Well if you drop that 50 I can upgrade you to our exclusive smut pass.. I can't tell you what all that entails but take it from me, its well worth the price.
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