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Why those dudes have so many problems, all they doing is looking at tits and ass all day
They got some dudes preying on their desires and putting phishing links in shit telling them to click

Only so much I can do about it

I ain't never had these issues with spankbang but these cats insist on trying to look at naked IG chicks trying to circumvent onlyfans paywalls
Lol...Bron is 2020, Wade is Everyone

Bron..I been wildling huh?

Wade..Yea, but we handle it so far..

Bron..u handled what?

Wade..handled u nigga

source (1).gif

Bron..Haha, it's cool, it's all good

Wade..man..I'm glad u ain't take that personal




So a mom deleted her 9 year old year long saved game because he overslept. I think it’s some asshole shit really. Like just take it away why delete the work? What y’all think


wake your kid up and stop sleeping in yourself... that’s what’s going on here. Whoever posted this, mom/dad, they’re sleeping in, too and not setting any kind of example...

my kids bed time, even now, is 9pm. I take away all devices and they charge in MY room overnight. I wake all my kids up by 830. I don’t allow sleeping in unless they went to bed really late, which isn’t a common occurrence.

to delete games is simply so she/he can feel power in being spiteful. Awful parenting.
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