Welcome To aBlackWeb

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First post of 2019

If you're not comfortable with your current situation, but when you get off of work, you come home and watch tv until it's time to go to bed. Then you can't blame anyone but yourself. No one is holding you back but you. If you're able body, then don't sleep away or be in the house all day. Get out, go see things, sometimes get in the car and just drive, go network and communicate with the outside. Don't rob yourself out of life by staying inside of it. Now I get it, sometimes you wanna have that day of relaxation in the house from a day(s) of hard work; or you might want to stay in for the weekend but don't let this become a tradition Everything you see outside (houses, cars, mail boxes, light poles) were build from action. One of the reasons why Malcolm X's mosque became immense because he was extreme on networking and connecting with the people in the streets. So go out, communicate, network and build and don't be timid to do anything in this circle of life.
First post of 2019

If you're not comfortable with your current situation, but when you get off of work, you come home and watch tv until it's time to go to bed. Then you can't blame anyone but yourself. No one is holding you back but you. If you're able body, then don't sleep away or be in the house all day. Get out, go see things, sometimes get in the car and just drive, go network and communicate with the outside. Don't rob yourself out of life by staying inside of it. Now I get it, sometimes you wanna have that day of relaxation in the house from a day(s) of hard work; or you might want to stay in for the weekend but don't let this become a tradition Everything you see outside (houses, cars, mail boxes, light poles) were build from action. One of the reasons why Malcolm X's mosque became immense because he was extreme on networking and connecting with the people in the streets. So go out, communicate, network and build and don't be timid to do anything in this circle of life.

Good shyt

Which is why I got a sticky note on my desk that says "Forge your own PATH".

After being denied a lead position...I just said "fucc this"...then went back to school. I had to change. I didn't move here just to do the same routine I did back home. I couldn't do it. Best decision I made.

I still haven't explored the city fully, so I wanna do that.
Good shyt

Which is why I got a sticky note on my desk that says "Forge your own PATH".

After being denied a lead position...I just said "fucc this"...then went back to school. I had to change. I didn't move here just to do the same routine I did back home. I couldn't do it. Best decision I made.

I still haven't explored the city fully, so I wanna do that.

I didn't know you packed and left. Where you moved to, fam?
I didn't know you packed and left. Where you moved to, fam?

Moved to Cincinnati.

Not the 1st...2nd...3rd choice someone would pick to move to. Especially compared to the bigger cities in the country, but it's been a great decision so far.
Actual last post: does DR hurt itself by making itself a marketing haven? We produce beautiful model, who get exploited by US interests... so who benefits? If i have a daughter, is she just gonna be marketed as cute and mixed instead of being a smarty? I get a sense that the marketing is boxing DR women
Yo someone make a thread about that black chick in St Petersburg who beat up A white man in McDonald's who put his hands on her
Yo someone make a thread about that black chick in St Petersburg who beat up A white man in McDonald's who put his hands on her

Uhh...aren't you a mod? Mods aren't allowed to make threads now in 2019??

Cole world mayne

I’ve been holding myself back from living the best life I can live.
In fear of loving someone in which you will never receive love the way your willing to give.

It doesn’t seem fair to love and never be loved back quite the same.
Seems my whole life I’ve been looking for someone in which I could place the blame.
If I don’t take this leap now, nothing will ever grow and flourish and it will all just remain the same.

So you see there comes a time in ones life where change is a Blessing, so I’ll do better this time around rather than staying alone wondering and guessing.

In the the end there could be a man and a woman giving their all, so caring and giving, rather than staying alone living a life that’s not really worth living.

A significant other to love and to hold, I mean if you don’t take that Chance you might not ever know.
It’s my Heart that I’m offering and not some type of game.
You see I’m taking that leap and I’m ready for change, because if I’m not willing to try and do things somewhat different.

Wouldn’t I be the one to look at to Blame...

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