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I'll entertain it though

nothing will happen other than a cease and desist request and to remove the thread, and that's if it even comes to that

no one hacked her phone
no one is posting revenge porn

she can't sue anyone here
Hey yo the feds in the candy shop but yall ain't hear that from me

I'm out

I tried to tell those nignogs this months ago.

It doesn't seem like any of them remember.........or even know about........ when the original MegaUpload got shut down by the feds.

Happened about 7 or 8 years ago if I'm not mistaken.

Lambs to the slaughter if they're not careful.

Had to post this here too

Bruh this shit is racist on many levels... but i laughed ..fucking biden

Where's the racist part? Did you think the original commercials was racist or is this spoof racist because they show Obama hanging with black dudes? I'm not trying to start and argument. I just don't see where race comes into this at all. The commercial is clearly just clowning Obama and Biden.
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