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This was just posted b
Let's have some kinda competition where the prize is 100mil abw bucks and the losers..yes everyone who enters and fails to win must post a pic on roast me on reddit
I haven’t eaten beef or pork since about 1997-‘98ish...so that means no fast good burgers of any kind...but today I went to BK to try that “impossible whopper”....NIGGA!! BK got me back as a customer until them bitches get “Popeyes chicken sammich” busy/sold out...that shit was BUS-muthafuckin-IN’!!!
I haven’t eaten beef or pork since about 1997-‘98ish...so that means no fast good burgers of any kind...but today I went to BK to try that “impossible whopper”....NIGGA!! BK got me back as a customer until them bitches get “Popeyes chicken sammich” busy/sold out...that shit was BUS-muthafuckin-IN’!!!

aint that the fake whopper thats made out of grass and shit anyways? or am i thinking bout another one
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