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NXT Thread (10/22)

Wow the Viking Raiders actually made The Forgotten sons look good tonight

For a second i thought they were bout to pull off an offset due to the outside interference and quick roll up.

Also War Machine/Viking Raiders have a very bright future ahead of them in the WWE. I can see those mfs having several tag title reigns going forward
Who could be the 4th man for team Ciampa?

Im thinking it'll be either Velveteen Dream or either Austin Theory from Evolve cause he havent debuted yet
I'm still mad at them breaking Harper and Rowan up again...

I just hate how wwe mismanages great talent so much
Ladder match bout to be a huge brawl

I don't think they gonna use Reigns for this but having his music hit during a brawl would probably give us the pop of the night. Either him or Strowman. I still dont know why they didnt use him on SD to drive that shit home. Maybe tonight they'll fix it
Bruh he slung Drew like he was nothing

That nigga aint no joke bruh.

Thats the main reason I was expecting a big guy from RAW or SD to run in just so they could stand toe to toe w/ Keith Lee. I wasn't expecting it to be McIntyre but that shit was nice
NXT was able to get me hyped for survivor series

can’t wait to see how smackdown brings down my expectations

I would cut it right there if I was them

Don't wanna over do it but im sure they will

Idk if anything they do is topping that shit though bruh