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now this i understand

Did she find someone she loves and who loves her?

Did she do it without shaming, talking down on, belittling, etc, men of her own race?

Those are the only questions that matter. Later for all the other shit. I'm going to make a turkey sandwich now. G'bye.

Bruh if you look at the quote tweets on that shit it's a bunch of people projecting how they think she feels about Black men as opposed to just being happy she found somebody who loves her. I'm glad she ain't putting down Black men but some.of the people who are happy for her are projecting their own issues under the guise of support for her. It's weird as fuck
So, she went on a black dating site and black men clowned her.

If she went on a white dating site, what do you think woulda happened?

Yep, she woulda got obliterated.

...But, I bet she wouldn’t have let that stop her from dating a white boy.

It’s cool, though. As long as they’re happy....

Actually, I don’t care if they’re happy or not.

I don’t know these people.
She never put down black men to my recollection

Nah people definitely had jokes and talked bad about her, her weight, her looks etc... That can't be denied. I just don't get why so many people seem to be assuming that somehow made her not want to date Black men at all as opposed to just simply falling for somebody who isn't Black. Because there's plenty of niggas who love women her size and shape and it wouldn't have been hard for her to find one as some want to make it seem
Nah people definitely had jokes and talked bad about her, her weight, her looks etc... That can't be denied. I just don't get why so many people seem to be assuming that somehow made her not want to date Black men at all as opposed to just simply falling for somebody who isn't Black. Because there's plenty of niggas who love women her size and shape and it wouldn't have been hard for her to find one as some want to make it seem
I ain’t denying that, people used to have jokes on her. People are projecting that’s all.
Bruh if you look at the quote tweets on that shit it's a bunch of people projecting how they think she feels about Black men as opposed to just being happy she found somebody who loves her. I'm glad she ain't putting down Black men but some.of the people who are happy for her are projecting their own issues under the guise of support for her. It's w̶e̶i̶r̶d̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶ twitter
Fixed and cosign.
I would NEVER but here's to Gabi and her happiness. Outside of your parents love for you some of yall don't know nothing about this song! LLS
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That very well might have been the problem.

In Hollywood............even some normal-sized women in the entertainment industry are considered overweight.

So imagine how someone her size is perceived over there.

Now, most people won't come out and say it because they don't want to get cancelled over "fat-shaming".............but, despite her actually being a decent actress.........she's still looked at as somewhat of a novelty act.

Hope I'm wrong, but I've got a feeling that this man is just taking advantage of her loneliness to improve his financial situation.

Unless he's a known chubby chaser who has a history of dating large black women, I have a hard time believing he's sincere.
Yeah she priced herself out of her sexual market value.

Mostly only a broke ,no game,super ugly himself,or dead serious chubby chasers gonna fuck with her.

The men in the rich/well off circles she's in is going for hot to at least average women.
i just dont know where people be seeing all black men do shit in unison lol

i get that niggas in general probably roast her on twitter all the time....as they do all fat women

i dont care about gabby's choice but this person's opinion on it is just that......even the person that questioned her relationship in the first place can sit down