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now this i understand

Shit, she got it from both sexes of lots of races, but gone ahead and lead with the black man slander.

ppl have clowned @deadeye for years for his love of the extra bbw. Shit, some niggas have requests for extra extra bbw in the candy shop....but black men don’t like big girls.
Shit, she got it from both sexes of lots of races, but gone ahead and lead with the black man slander.

ppl have clowned @deadeye for years for his love of the extra bbw. Shit, some niggas have requests for extra extra bbw in the candy shop....but black men don’t like big girls.

You and @Scandalust313 both from the city, can y'all let these folks know how much love them big gyals get in Tha D? In all my years there I ain't never seen a big chick have no problem gettin' a man, FWB, or one night stand. Them big girls step in the club with CONFIDENCE, hair and nails done, clothes on point and alladat and will walk out the spot with a grip of numbers and prolly got something lined up for the night.

If she couldn't find a Black man to love her, then she simply wasn't trying. Plain and simple. Don't think that 'cause you're in hollywood you ain't gotta put no work in.
If she couldn't find a Black man to love her, then she simply wasn't trying.

Don't think that...........'cause you're in hollywood............you ain't gotta put no work in.

That very well might have been the problem.

In Hollywood............even some normal-sized women in the entertainment industry are considered overweight.

So imagine how someone her size is perceived over there.

Now, most people won't come out and say it because they don't want to get cancelled over "fat-shaming".............but, despite her actually being a decent actress.........she's still looked at as somewhat of a novelty act.

Hope I'm wrong, but I've got a feeling that this man is just taking advantage of her loneliness to improve his financial situation.

Unless he's a known chubby chaser who has a history of dating large black women, I have a hard time believing he's sincere.