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Normal Stuff Men Can’t Say...

Cant stand when a nigga is a big fan of someone, like lebron james for example, and the nigga proceeds to say "love me sum lebron!!!" Nah bruh, shits sounds gay as fuck
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We were just roasting this nigga at my job tha other day for saying “Where you been all my life?!” to another man...he argued us down sayin it was just a harmless sayin’ you say to somebody you seem to have a lot in common with unexpectedly...nah b...shits damn near a pick up line
Na the context is suspect.. I don't even thing those words ever came out in my verbiage together.
Say it out loud...

:hahaha:how did it feel?
It felt......amazeballs
So based off my job.. this dude asked me (emailed) can you change the water bottle for me???

I disregarded his email and kept it moving. Another man should ask another man to lift something heavy unless theres a medical reasoning behind it. The woman never ask me to lift their water bottles.