Welcome To aBlackWeb

No place for H8TE.

It is time to do something for the LGBTQ community of ABW.

We are trying to come up with a name for this section.

If you have any name suggestions, post them below.

Why not naming such appointed thread section in tribute to-- what was his name already? Baldwin?
Is there a large population of gays on here? I honestly can't think of one person that has been open about it but then again I'm not on here like that

There has at least a few hundreds of lurkers around here who are into BBW/Weight Gain stuff, but only a half-dozen of active members who shows to cater into such content: albeit half of them does vehemently showcases hostility toward that exact same content.

I wouldn't be surprized to learn about closeted folks who populates this forum too.
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There has at least a few hundreds of lurkers around here who are into BBW/Weight Gain Stuff, but only a half-dozen of active members who shows ti cater into such content, albeit half of them does vehemently attack that same content.

I wouldn't be surprized to learn about closeted folks who populates this forum too.
Yeah, but will they come out? Some of these posters are ruthless and I can see a few vets getting banned for being themselves.

Censorship would definitely follow and idk if abw needs that
Censorship already happens when mods do their jobs. I just got banned today from some plastic Asian hoes Candyshop thread because some Dookie brained bitch called me a nigger (yes, hard R) when I was going back and forth with him.
Which mod banned you?
Yeah, but will they come out? Some of these posters are ruthless and I can see a few vets getting banned for being themselves.

Censorship would definitely follow and idk if abw needs that

They're definitively going to get bullied and booted off of the forum by the We-Know-Whom Gang... and when this is going to happen, many mods are going to enable this toxic dynamic, let alone getting an proactive role into this mess.

There has some very tribal, pack mindset roaming around this forum: anything that, or anyone who poses a threat to the status quo is going to be hang on a tree for the fun of it. I've seen it firsthand, in spite being straight.
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Why do they need a special section?

Aren't they free to post wherever they want?

And do we even have any of them on here to begin with?
Why do the women need a special section?

Aren’t we free to post wherever we want?

And you honestly don’t think out of all the members on here, at least three people are gay? This whole site ain’t straight. Ain’t no way.

Why the multiple questions? Is it because it’s for the gays? What happened to inclusion?
They're definitively going to get bullied and booted off of the forum by the We-Know-Whom Gang... and when this is going to happen, many mods are going to enable this toxic dynamic, let alone getting an proactive role into this mess.

There has some very tribal, pack mindset roaming around this forum: anything that, or anyone who poses a threat to the status quo is going to be hang on a tree for the fin of it. I've seen it firsthand, in spite being straight.
Big imagination.
Why are people fear mongering about something as simple as homophobes getting banned? Like there aren't virtually infinite ways to insult or one up someone in the typical bantering, trolling ways we already do without having to resort to hate on that sort of deeply personal level. We already stamp out racism here don't we.
So what I’m getting so far is the gay community don’t deserve a section.

And yall scared y’all gonna get banned cause y’all can’t call them gay slurs without reprimand.

This is pathetic.
I think we're just curious as far as why there is a need currently.

Me personally idc and although I might go back and forth with posters but I never make it personal and never blatantly disrespect anybody. It's all jokes and fun to me.
And you honestly don’t think out of all the members on here, at least three people are gay? This whole site ain’t straight. Ain’t no way.

Statistically speaking, I'm sure there are.

However, if none of them are asking for this, why do you feel there's a need to cater to them?

And again, as mentioned in a previous post, you're just opening ABW up to unnecessary scrutiny that could end up hurting the board.

Basically, nothing's going to be good enough.

Good intentions will lead to unintended consequences.

Everything you try to do for them can be twisted around into something offensive toward the LGBT community.

Intentional or not.

Why even risk putting ABW in a position like that?

Doesn't make sense.