Welcome To aBlackWeb

no more MODeration, Hatereration in this dancery!

Let me cuss you out in person

Zoom ID: 821 7842 6976
Let me cuss you out in person

Zoom ID: 821 7842 6976

You serious?
Let me cuss you out in person

Zoom ID: 821 7842 6976

why do you wish to argue with strangers at 1230 in the morning?

mann if you dont close that damn laptop and go lay next to your wife ??
Dont do it race

them niggas gone jump u
No, they won't.

There's two single guys here.

Come on down. If you’re respectful, we will be respectful.....I promise.

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On some serious shit, it's just people in here.

I do this every Friday Night......Shenanigans.

Just come holla at us. They in here crackin on each other.

It's timid in here. We accept everyone.