Welcome To aBlackWeb

no more MODeration, Hatereration in this dancery!

i wrote this thread in respone to one person @AP21
i have a specific beef with him and im sure others do too as he was named “the most abusive mod of 2020”

i have complained to several mods about his behavior and i want to petition for him to leave the leadership board
lol Is this all over a thread being merged or is something else goin on?

there have been repeated instances of ap21 touching my threads, combining my threads for no reason, closing my threads prematurely, or locking me out of certain threads.

his behavior has become increasingly hostile over the past few months.

whats next? hacking my profile and transferring my abw bucks into a offshore trust fund?!?
on a serious note, i really cant stand ap21

im not calling for much of anything, i would just like a specific mod assigned to my account and threads

i dont want him touching any of my shit.

is this doable?